University of Scranton Participates in National Sportsmanship Day.
For Immediate Release
University of Scranton Participates in National Sportsmanship Day.
The model of good sportsmanship and sports education will be celebrated at events on Mar. 3, as The University of Scranton participates in the 19th annual National Sportsmanship Day.
Sponsored by the Institute for International Sport, National Sportsmanship Day is the largest sportsmanship initiative in the world. An estimated 14,000 universities and schools throughout the United States and abroad will participate in this year’s events.
On Mar. 3, The University of Scranton will host a lecture and workshop by Matt Davidson, Ph.D., a 1993 graduate of The University of Scranton and founder, president and director of education for the Institute for Excellence and Ethics. The lecture, entitled “Work Hard, Do Your Best, Do the Right Thing,” will be held from 7 to 8:15 p.m. in the Pearn Auditorium of Brennan Hall. The lecture is free of charge and open to the public.
Dr. Davidson will also offer a workshop for area school teachers on Mar., 3 beginning at 11:30 a.m. Entitled “Developing Character for and from Sport: Best Practices,” Dr. Davidson will discuss concrete strategies to help coaches proactively shape a powerful team culture dedicated to excellence and ethics. The workshop is open to the public and is particularly relevant for teachers, coaches, and administrators. It will be held in The Rose Room of Brennan Hall. A follow-up roundtable discussion and sharing of ideas and strategies for implementation, led by Dr. Davidson, will be held from 1:30 to 3 p.m. in The Rose Room of Brennan Hall. The workshop and roundtable discussion are free of charge. Pre-registration is required to attend. The registration deadline is Friday, Feb. 27, and can be done by calling Erin Maguire at (570) 941-7440.
The lecture and workshop are sponsored by the Athletics Department of Scranton.
Dr. Davidson has dedicated nearly 15 years to character education research, program development and dissemination. His publications include Smart & Good High Schools: Integrating Excellence and Ethics for Success in School, Work, and Beyond, which he co-authored with Dr. Thomas Lickona. His current work with IEE, underwritten in part by a grant from the John Templeton Foundation, is focused on the development and dissemination of research-based tools for developing character and culture in school, work, and home.
Also on Mar. 3, University of Scranton students will visit with elementary school students in the Scranton School District to engage them in discussion and activities about the elements of sportsmanship.
For additional information about The University of Scranton’s National Sportsmanship Day events, contact Erin Maguire at 941-7440, or, or Jack O’Malley, Ph.D., at 941-4269, or