News & Media Relations
For Media
News and Media Relations at The University of Scranton serves as the primary contact for news media and will respond promptly and professionally to requests for information about the University or for access to the University and its administrators, faculty, staff and students.
News media are permitted on public areas of the University’s campuses but are encouraged to first contact News and Media Relations so that we may help facilitate visits to campus. Access to classrooms, conference rooms, offices and residence halls is strictly prohibited without prior permission from the University.
During emergency situations, the University may require news media to remain within a designated media area for law enforcement or safety reasons.
Stan Zygmunt, B.S., M.B.A.
Director of News and Media Relations
The University of Scranton
570.941.7662 or 570.941.7669
For Faculty
News and Media Relations can help to promote your academic projects, research, presentations, publications and awards – just let us know.
Please also inform us of the scholarly projects, presentations, publications, competitions and awards of your students. We publish stories about their academic success as well.
We also arrange for and store photos of you, which can be used as needed for presentations, publications and news purposes.
In addition, News and Media Relations publicizes public University events and lectures on campus by notifying and posting information to dozens of websites, news outlets and other publications. Please contact us as early as possible about events so that we have the most options available to us to publicize your event. You can also post information about the public event on the University’s calendar.
See links for interview tips about working with reporters and for TV interviews.
For Students
The University of Scranton uses Merit – a network already used by hundreds of colleges, honor societies and employers – to collaboratively build a verified, online record of your accomplishments as a student.
Student achievements, such as Dean’s List status, honor society inductions, and other academic, service and athletic accomplishments, are shared with newspapers, high schools, parents and others through Merit, which also creates a personalized Merit page for you. Merit also allows you to share achievements with family and friends in social networks. You can add photos, additional biographical information, campus activities and work experience to your Merit page as well.
To learn more: visit or call News and Media Relations at 570.941.7669.
In addition, News and Media Relations can also help publicize public University events for student organizations on campus. You can post information about the public event on the University’s calendar. Please post information about your event as early as possible so that we have the most options available to publicize your event.
News and Media Relations, as well as other offices in the External Affairs Division, offers paid internships for students. The positions require previous writing experience and a faculty recommendation.
For Emergency Communications
The University sends emergency notifications via text, phone and email to students, faculty and staff. Members of the University community are asked to verify and update their contact information each academic year via the emergency and password information section of the My.Scranton portal. The emergency notification system is tested each semester.
During a crisis or incident that disrupts normal operations, the University, through its Incident Management Team, has procedures in place to communicate with faculty, staff, students and members of the media and public as needed. University Police and authorized members of the University’s External Affairs Division will communicate emergency information on behalf of the University through approved communication channels as needed. These channels may include: the University’s emergency notification system, email, website, news releases, statements, official social media sites, information phone lines and/or news conferences and briefings. Channels used depend on the nature of the incident.
News and Media Relations serves as the Public Information Office for the Incident Management Team and as the contact for media.
For Spokesperson or Public Comment on Behalf of the University
When public comment on behalf of the University is requested, News and Media Relations will serve in that role or identify an appropriate spokesperson for that request. Faculty are always free to discuss any topics related to their areas of academic expertise, however, no one, except for the President, Vice President for External Affairs or the Director of News and Media Relations, is authorized to speak on behalf of the University unless designated by the administration as a spokesperson.
News and Media Relations
Brown Hall, second floor
The University of Scranton
800 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18510
Phone: 570.941.7669
Fax: 570.941.4097
Stan Zygmunt ’84, G’95
Director of News and Media Relations
Madonna Savage
Manager News Media and Scheduling
Brenda Clarke
Administrative Assistant to Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and External Affairs
For faculty photo requests, please contact Brenda Clarke at 570.941.7669 or
For information regarding Royal News email
For information regarding advertising contact Marketing Communications at 570.941.7005 or email