University Celebrates Student Scholars
The University of Scranton commemorated the scholarly work of both undergraduate and graduate students at its 10th Annual Celebration of Student Scholars.
Students displayed their work in poster presentations as well as through oral presentations. Student work presented at the event, held in Brennan Hall on April 27, included thesis research, studies conducted as part of the Faculty/Student Research Program (FSRP), results from a President’s Fellowship for Summer Research, and other projects carried out as independent study.
Highlights of research conducted by collaborations of faculty and students included projects entitled “Commitment in Crisis: From Customers to College Students,” an exploration of the connections between personal dating relationships among college students and customer relationships, conducted by Theresa Hanntz and Associate Professor of Management and Marketing Satya Chattopadhyay, Ph.D; “Furthering Science-Religion Dialogue: On Shared Holistic Concepts,” an approach to repairing the divide between science and religion, conducted by William Woody and Assistant Professor of Theology Cyrus P. Olsen, Ph.D.; and “Analysis of Cranberry Juice Metabolites and their Distribution in Hamster Organs,” a study investigating the beneficial effects of cranberry juice in the liver, kidneys, heart, brain and urinary bladder, conducted by Janice Ezdebski and Professor of Chemistry Joe Vinson, Ph.D.
Fields of research for all presentations included biology, chemistry, biochemistry, neuroscience, psychology, heath administration, counseling and human services, as well as English, marketing, exercise science, theatre and theology/religious studies.
The Annual Celebration of Student Scholars is hosted by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, which assists faculty members in securing external and internal funding for research activities, provides workshops related to scholarly enterprises, and helps to develop and implement policies related to research at The University of Scranton.
In addition, The Weinberg Memorial Library is currently hosting its annual Faculty Scholarship Exhibit. The display of books, articles and conference presentation announcements produced by University of Scranton faculty members will continue through Thursday, May 27 in the fifth floor Heritage Room.