Free Healthy Heart Fair Planned at The Mall at Steamtown
The University of Scranton’s Exercise Science Club hold its fourth annual Healthy Heart Fair at The Mall at Steamtown on Thursday, Feb. 24, from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. The fair, offered free of charge, will include blood pressure readings, body fat analysis, information about stress management and exercise techniques, and interactive educational games to promote awareness of heart health and heart disease. February is American Heart Month
The University’s Healthy Heart Fair began as an assigned project on worksite health promotion for an Exercise Science class three years ago. Moderated by Exercise Science and Sport Instructor Paul Cutrufello, Ph.D. cand., the fair has since grown into the Exercise Science Club’s largest event.
For additional information about the Healthy Heart Fair, contact Cutrufello at 941-5841 or by e-mail at