Group Organizes Free COLTS Bus Service for Students, Faculty and Staff
The team of University of Scranton students and staff have met
with representatives from COLTS to offer free bus service on select routes for
University students, faculty and staff.
Seated are, from left, junior Brian Riordan of Ramsey N.J.; Gary Zampano,
director of purchasing; and freshman Ciro
Saverino of Manalapan, N.J. Standing are, from left, Kala Cieciorka, intern at
COLTS; Michelle D'Souza, a freshman at The University of Scranton from East
Meadow, N.Y.; Gretchen Wintermantel, communications director for COLTS; and
University of Scranton students Carlyn Ball, a freshman from Bloomsburg; Emily
Diaz, a sophomore from Dover, N.J.; and Kyle Gleaves, a freshman from Wilkes-Barre.
In addition to providing weekday transportation between
Marywood University and The Mall at Steamtown,
students, faculty and staff are now able to take a COLTS van weekday evenings
from the DeNaples Center to the Viewmont Mall, the IMAX Theater in Dickson
City, the Giant Market in the Green Ridge Shopping Center, Gerrity’s in the
Keyser Oak Shopping Center, area hospitals, and to Wyoming Avenue near The Mall
at Steamtown and Marquee Cinemas. Schedules are available online at