Area Police Chiefs Hear About ‘Sustaining Community Policing in Tough Economic Times’ at The University of Scranton
The Criminal Justice Department of The University of Scranton
hosted local law enforcement officials for lecture by a leading community policing
expert and the co-developer of the “Broken Windows” theory – George Kelling,
Ph.D., professor of criminal justice at Rutgers University. Dr. Kelling
presented “Sustaining Community Policing in Tough Economic Times” and then
participated in a panel discussion with police chiefs from Scranton,
Wilkes-Barre, Dunmore and Blakely. Standing, from left, are, panelists Chief
Patrick Reese of the Dunmore Police Department, Chief Dan Duffy of the Scranton
Police Department, Dr. Kelling, event organizer Michael Jenkins, Ph.D., cand.,
of The University of Scranton’s Criminal Justice Department, Chief Gerard
Dessoye of the Wilkes-Barre Police Department, and Chief Guy Salerno of the
Blakely Police Department.