Dean's List Fall 2010 Additions
The following students were added to The University of Scranton Dean’s List for the fall 2010 semester after publication of the list in January of 2011.
The Dean’s List recognizes students for academic excellence during the 2010 fall semester. A student must have a grade point average of 3.5 or better with a minimum number of credit hours to make the Dean’s List. The list includes students from the Jesuit university’s College of Arts and Sciences, the Kania School of Management, the Panuska College of Professional Studies and the College of Graduate and Continuing Education.
Students added to the fall 2010 Dean’s List are:
Paula A. Annunziato
Richard Brzozowski
Samuel Calabrese
Devon E. Cohen
Raymond Cramer
Brittany A. Cuthbert
Michelle D'Souza
Sara Dellecave
Michael Farley
Renae Fisher
Allison Graebe
Kaitlyn M. Greeley
Erich F. Junge
Joanna Klimaski
Edward Kloniecke
Brenden Lavelle
Kaleigh E. Lynch
Noelle Malone
Moira McGinn
Ann McIntosh
Kevin Murley
Sara Nardone
Alyssa Norris
Michael Owsinski
Alexandra Parlamas
Brian M. Pengelly
Emily Rainey
Benjamin Redan
Kristin Ryffel
Danielle M. Salvadeo
Maria Shiptoski
Jonathan Vega