University of Scranton Student Needs Your Vote for Neighborhood Playground
A communication major at The University of Scranton has submitted a plan to develop a playground for underprivileged children in Scranton. Now, all she needs is your vote in order to have the project funded.
A member of The University of Scranton’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team, Kaitlin Dolan, a senior from Olyphant, submitted a plan for playground equipment for the Bellevue United Neighborhood Center to the Pepsi Refresh Grant contest. The playground is among a number of community proposals vying to be among the 15 projects selected for funding by Pepsi for the June competition. The winning projects will be those receiving the most votes.
“I’m hoping people from the Scranton area, University students and alumni, and students from Jesuit schools from across the country will vote for this project,” said Dolan. “There is no cost to vote and each person can vote up to five times a day during the month of June.”
If selected to receive a Pepsi Refresh Grant, the playground would serve about 140 children between the ages of 3- and 12-years-old, according to Dolan.
Dolan anticipates the playground equipment will cost $15,000. She will organize members of the community to build the playground.
But first, Dolan says she has to get word out about the project and generate some votes.
For more information or to cast your vote for this project, visit