Bus Excursion Discovers Art, History and Future of Newark
The University of
Scranton’s Schemel Forum is planning a bus trip to Newark, N.J., on Saturday,
Oct. 29, to “Discover Newark: Its Art, Its History, Its Future.” Newark is rich in its industrial, civic and cultural history; fraught
with urban problems; and, at the same time, choosing a bright future through
its ingenuity, resilience and extraordinary civic leadership. Participants
will visit the Newark Art Museum and have lunch at a fine Portuguese restaurant
with Clement Price, Distinguished Service Professor at
Rutgers University, and Newark’s civic leaders. Participants will also tour the
city’s historic sites with Dr. Price.
register, contact Kym Fetsko, Schemel Forum events coordinator, at (570)
941-7816 or fetskok2@scranton.edu.
For more information on Schemel Forum programs and memberships, contact Sondra Myers at (570) 941-4089 or myerss2@scranton.edu.