University Announces April Calendar of Events
Through April 14. Exhibit: “Penmen, Artists and Educators: 125 Years of the Zaner-Bloser Penmanship Company.” Heritage Room, Weinberg Memorial Library. Free during library hours. Call 941-6341.
April 5 5 p.m. Art exhibit: “Imagination and Spirituality: Public Sculpture on The University of Scranton Commons.” Exhibit lecture: Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall. Public reception: 6 p.m. Hope Horn Gallery, Hyland Hall. Free. Call 941-4214.
April 5-May 10 Art exhibit: “Imagination and Spirituality: Public Sculpture on The University of Scranton Commons.” Hope Horn Gallery, Hyland Hall. Free during Gallery Hours. Call 941-4214.
April 6 9 a.m.
Preview Day for students accepted to The University of Scranton. Various
locations on campus. Call 941-7540.
April 13 10 a.m. Alumni Day of
Service. Clean-up of Lackawanna River
Heritage Trail organized
by the Scranton Alumni Club of NEPA. Alumni wishing to volunteer can call
April 14 1 p.m. Hill Section
Street Sweep and Alumni Day of Service. Clean-up organized by The University of
Scranton Student Government. Alumni wishing to volunteer can call 941-4263.
April 7 7:30 p.m. Performance Music presents “In Concert” featuring The University of Scranton Singers with The Manhattan School of Music Brass Orchestra, Mark Gould, conductor, with Tim Smith, organist. Houlihan McLean Center. Free. Call 941-7624.
April 8 4:30 p.m. Lecture: “Federal and International Gun Control: an Historical Perspective” by William Kullman, deputy chief, international affairs of the Department of Justice Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Free. Rose Room, Brennan Hall.
April 9 11:45 a.m. Brown Bag Lunch: “Equal Pay Day” a public awareness event to illustrate the gap between men’s and women’s wages. Free. McDonnell Room, DeNaples Center. Call 941-6194 or email
April 11 8:30 a.m. opening remarks. 2013 Northeast Pennsylvania Conference on Aging: “An Integrated Approach to Healthy Aging,” presented by The University of Scranton and The Commonwealth Medical College. Fees vary. The DeNaples Center.
April 11 8:30 a.m. Kane Competition: Physics/Engineering competition for high school students. Preregistration required. Byron Recreation Center. Call 941-7509.
April 11 7 p.m. Award Dinner for 2013 Northeast Pennsylvania Conference on Aging honoring Ann and Leo Moskovitz and Brian Duke, secretary of aging for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Fees vary. The DeNaples Center. Call 941-5860.
April 11 7:30 p.m. Weinberg Judaic Studies Institute Lecture: “You Don’t Have to Be Jewish: Non-Jews’ Growing Investment in Jewish Life” by Ted Merwin, Ph.D. Free. Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall. Call 941-7956.
April 11-16 Theater: “The Wedding Singer” presented by the Liva Arts Company. Jefferson Auditorium, Leahy Hall. Fees Vary. Contact 941.7462.
April 12 noon. Schemel Forum World Affairs Luncheon Seminar: “The Rise and Fall of Women in Democratic Revolution” presented by Jill Dougherty, Foreign Affairs Correspondent, CNN. Rose Room, Brennan Hall. Registration required. Fees vary. Call 941-7816.
April 18 5:30 p.m. “Innovation in Population Health Management” 18th annual Health Administration Symposium. $35 general registration includes reception, dinner, lectures and panel discussion. McIlhenny Ballroom, DeNaples Center. Call 941-4350.
April 20 7:30 p.m. Performance Music presents “In Concert” featuring The University of Scranton Jazz Band with guest soloist Erica Von Kleist, saxophone and flute. Houlihan McLean Center. Free. Call 941-7624
April 22 noon. Schemel Forum World Affairs Luncheon Seminar: “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): The Emotional Toll of Violence in Military and Civilian Populations” presented by Laszlo Gyulai, PhD., emeritus associate professor of psychiatry, University of Pennsylvania Medical Center. Rose Room, Brennan Hall. Registration required. Fees vary. Call 941-7816 .
April 25 11:30 a.m. Pedro Arrupe, S.J. Award presentation to Rev. Sean Carroll, S.J., executive director of the Kino Border Initiative, which is a Catholic, bi-national, collaborative effort that focuses on humanitarian assistance, education, research and social-pastoral outreach in the area of migration. Rose Room, Brennan Hall. Free. Call 941-7401.
April 25 4:30 p.m. Fifth Annual Integration Bee. Mathematics competition including High school and college divisions. Pre-registration is required. McIlhenny Ballroom, DeNaples Center. Free. Call 941-6580.
April 25 5 p.m. Campus Take Back the Night Pre-Rally. Dionne Campus Green. Call 941-6194.
April 25 7 p.m. Spanish Film Club Series: “I Travel Because
I Have To” is a first-person travelogue of geologist José Renato to an isolated
region of Brazil. The Spanish Film Club series was made possible with the
support of Pragda, the Secretary of State for Culture of Spain and its Program
for Cultural Cooperation with United States’ universities. Pearn Auditorium,
Brennan Hall. Free. Call 941-7448.
April 26 7:30 p.m. “In Concert” The University of Scranton String Orchestra. Houlihan McLean Center. Free. Call 941-7624.
April 26-28 8p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday. “Museum” written by Tina Howe, directed by A. Bryan Humphrey and presented by The University of Scranton Players. McDade Center for Literary and Performing Arts. Fees vary. Call 941-4318.
April 27-28 9 a.m. Saturday; noon Sunday. Book Sale benefitting Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library. Heritage Room, Weinberg Memorial Library. Call 941-4078.
April 29 5:30 p.m. Schemel Forum Roundtable: “The Medium is the Message: McLuhan’s Prophecy Revisited—Public Affairs and Media in the 21st Century” sponsored by The Schemel Forum in collaboration with the Office of Community Relations. Limited to 30 participants on first come-first serve basis. Free and open to the public. Weinberg Memorial Library, Room 305. Call 941-7816.
Earth Week Events
April 18-25 Exhibit: Earth Week
Environmental Art Show featuring student art and photography concerning
environmental themes. Heritage Room,
Weinberg Memorial Library. Free during library hours. Call 941-7520.
April 20 10 a.m. Lackawanna River Heritage
Trail clean-up by University students, faculty and staff organized by the
Weinberg Memorial Library Green Team and University Ministries. Call 941-7520.
April 21 8 a.m. Earth Day 5K walk/run. “A
Celebration of our Beautiful Local Environment.” Lackawanna River Heritage
Trail. Start at Olive Street entrance. Free. Call 941-7520.
April 22 5 to 7 p.m. Earth Week Environmental Art Show reception. Free. Heritage Room, Weinberg Memorial Library. Call 941-7520.
April 25 10 a.m. Earth Week Fair with
interactive games, presentations and information related to the environment and
sustainable practices. Free. DeNaples Center Patio. Call 941-7520.
April 25 6 p.m. University of Scranton/Pennsylvania American Water Art & Essay Exhibition reception, film and recognition presentation. 7 p.m. showing of Dr. Seuss’ “The Lorax.” Free. Moskovitz Theater, DeNaples Center. 941-7520.
April 27-28 9 a.m. Saturday; noon Sunday. Book Sale benefitting Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library. Heritage Room, Weinberg Memorial Library. Call 941-4078.