University and High School Students Advance to Integration Bee Finals
The University of Scranton’s Mathematics Department held its sixth annual Integration Bee recently on campus for high school and college students. The format of the competition is similar to that of a spelling bee, except contestants are given integrals to calculate. Five participants in both the high school and college categories moved on to the final round of the competition.
Pictured with the finalists in the college competition of The University of Scranton’s Integration Bee are, from left, Stacey Muir, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematics, and finalists J.C. McNamara of Yardville, N.J., Robert McCloskey (Champion) of Peckville, Patrick Fricke of Factoryville, Sapan Desai of Scranton, Josh Jimenez of Apalachin, N.Y., all from The University of Scranton.
Pictured with the finalists in the high school competition of The University of Scranton’s Integration Bee are, from left, Stacey Muir, Ph.D., associate professor of mathematics, and finalists Tyler Martin, Hoang Doan Do, Yan Liu, Hoang Viet Tran (Champion) and Nguyen Gia Le, all from Wyoming Seminary.