College Basketball with a Twist
Area colleges will compete in a wheelchair basketball tournament hosted by the University of Scranton’s Physical Therapy club to raise awareness of and fund raising support for the Individuals Abilities in Motion (I AM) organization. The tournament, will take place Saturday, Nov. 16, and Sunday, Nov. 17, in the Byron Recreation Center on the University’s campus.
Schools participating are The University of Scranton, The Common Wealth Medical College, Misericordia University and Wilkes University.
The event is open to the public. Doors open at 9:30 a.m. and games start at 10 a.m. Ticket prices are $5 for the general public and $3 for students and include a basketball raffle ticket and entry to free throw/three point contest.
The I AM organization is a volunteer-centered organization based in Lackawanna Country that consists of members determined to discover, develop and celebrate the abilities of people who have sustained spinal cord injuries. The organization promotes the positive development of individuals through public awareness campaigns, adventure activities, community outings and sports events such as wheelchair sports and exercise initiatives. For more information visit
For information about the tournament, call 570-941-7494.