Quick Facts: center for rehabilitation education
Total Square Footage: 116,340
Number of Floors: Eight (plus lower level)
Project Cost: $47.5 million
Academic Departments Housed in Center: Exercise Science, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy.
Laboratories: 25
Classrooms: 9 (three traditional classrooms accommodates between 36 to 60 students; six active learning classrooms)
Group study/conference rooms: 10
Faculty offices: 56
Simulation environments: Assisted Daily Living “Easy Street” neighborhood with apartment, garage and grocery store; hospital patient rooms for acute and long-term care
Additional areas: Forum accommodating 260 guests; food service seating area; green roof
Doctoral Programs Offered at Scranton: one, Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT)
“Green” Construction: Designed for LEED certification
Architect: Hemmler +Camayd and Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, assisted by Higher Education Research Associates (HERA)
Construction Manager: The Quandel Group Inc., Scranton
Groundbreaking: Nov. 14, 2013
Estimated Completion Date: Summer 2015
Floor Highlights:
Lower level – Exercise science human motion and ergonomics laboratory, strength laboratory; connection to Leahy Community Health and Family Center.
First floor: Entrance lobby connecting center with McGurrin Hall; YWCA history exhibit; café and seating area; pediatric laboratories; active learning classroom.
Second floor: Forum, Assisted Daily Living “Easy Street” neighborhood simulation; Panuska College of Professional Studies Dean’s Office; classroom.
Third floor: Vision research laboratory; physical rehabilitation laboratory; student group study room; faculty offices.
Fourth floor: Green roof and outdoor patio; activity analysis laboratory; active learning classrooms; faculty offices.
Upper floors (fifth to eighth floors): hospital patient simulation rooms; rehabilitation laboratory; neurology laboratory, exercise physiology laboratory, human anatomy laboratory; community health education laboratory; active learning classrooms; research laboratories; faculty offices.