University Employees Recognized at Spring Convocation
The University of Scranton presented Sursum Corda (Lift Up Your Hearts) Awards to three staff members at its Spring Convocation held recently in the McIlhenny Ballroom of the DeNaples Center.
Sursum Corda Awards recognize members of the University’s professional/paraprofessional staff, clerical/technical staff, and maintenance/public safety staff who have made outstanding contributions to the life and mission of the University. This year’s recipients were Jim Gaffney, Ashley, director of operations and maintenance; Sandy Watson, Roaring Brook Township, administrative assistant, Department of Exercise Science and Sport; and Sherry Edwards, Gouldsboro, custodian.
“Your collective University service spans generations of students,” said Father Quinn at the convocation. “While we are deeply grateful for your faithfulness, we honor you because of your selflessness and caring. Thank you for the example that you set for us all.”
The University of Scranton presented Sursum Corda (Lift Up Your Hearts) Awards to three staff members at a convocation held Feb. 6 on campus. The award recognizes members of the University’s professional/paraprofessional staff, clerical/technical staff, and maintenance/public safety staff who have made outstanding contributions to the life and mission of the University. Pictured, from left, are Patricia Harrington, Ed.D., interim provost and senior vice president for academic affairs; Patricia Tetreault, interim vice president for human resources; Sursum Corda Award recipients Sherry Edwards, custodian; Sandy Watson, administrative assistant, Department of Exercise Science and Sport; and James Gaffney, director of operations and maintenance; and University of Scranton President Kevin P. Quinn, S.J.