University Announces February Events
Feb. 4 7:30 p.m. Performance Music: “In Recital” featuring pianist Donald Boomgaarden, Ph.D., provost and senior vice president for academic affairs at The University of Scranton. Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call 570-941-7624 or email
Feb. 7 1:30 p.m. Northeast Pennsylvania Brain Bee sponsored by the Neuroscience Program at The University of Scranton. PNC Auditorium, Loyola Science Center. Free. Pre-registration required. Call 570-941-4324 or email
Feb. 8 7:30 p.m. Performance Music: “7th Annual Gene Yevich Memorial Concert” featuring David Ostwald’s Louis Armstrong Eternity Band. Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call 570-941-7624 or email
Feb. 9 through Mar. 13 Art exhibit: “Cellblock Visions: Set Free in the Penitentiary” drawings, paintings, and objects by inmates of penitentiaries in six states. Hope Horn Gallery, Hyland Hall. Free during gallery hours. Call 570-941-4214 or email
Feb. 11 7 p.m. International Film Series: “The Big City” by director Satyajit Ray. Discussion will follow showing of the film from India. Moskovitz Theater, DeNaples Center. Free. Call 570-941-6330 or email
Feb. 21 9:30 a.m. “Ignite: Student Leadership Conference.” Leadership development program open to northeast Pennsylvania college students. McIlhenny Ballroom, DeNaples Center. $25 fee for non-University of Scranton students includes program materials, refreshments and lunch. Pre-registration required. Call 570-941-6233 or visit
Feb. 27 noon. Schemel Forum World Affairs Luncheon Series: “American Foreign Policy: Is History a Useful Guide?” presented by Fredrik Logevall, Ph.D., professor of history and vice provost for international affairs, Cornell University. Rose Room, Brennan Hall. Registration required, fees vary. Call 570-941-6206 or email
Feb. 27 5 p.m. Exhibit lecture: “Cellblock Visions: Set Free in the Penitentiary” presented by Phyllis Kornfeld, guest curator and author. Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall. Public reception follows at Hope Horn Gallery, Hyland Hall. Free. Call 570-941-4214 or email
Feb. 28 7:30 p.m. Performance Music: “In Concert” featuring The University of Scranton Jazz Band with guest soloist Eddie Barbash. Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call 570-941-7624 or email
Schemel Forum Course:
Thursdays Feb. 19, 26; Mar. 5, 12, 19, 26 6 p.m. Schemel Forum Seminar Series: “Not Demons, But Genies: Leonardo and His World” presented by Josephine Dunn, Ph.D., professor of art history, The University of Scranton. Room 305, Weinberg Memorial Library. Registration required. Fees vary. Call 570-941-6206 or email