High School Students Participate in University’s Entrepreneurship Day
More than 60 area high school students from the region participated in The University of Scranton’s Entrepreneurship Day held on campus recently. Students who attended explored topics related to entrepreneurship and participated in activities that helped them explore creativity and innovation at a daylong workshop.
The program was offered by the University’s Kania School of Management Entrepreneurship Program, the Office of Community Relations and the Small Business Development Center, in partnership with Skills in Scranton, which is an affiliate of the Greater Scranton Chamber of Commerce.
The University began to offer a new major in entrepreneurship in the fall 2014 semester.
West Scranton High School
First row, from left, representing West Scranton High School: Imani Addullah, Olivia Bodnar, Robert Walls, and Danielle Call (advisor). Second row, Ginisee Guevara, Marina Wall, Hameenah Abduallah, and Meghan Williams. Third row, Jake MacDonald, Sam Egan, Danny Sallurday, Kameron VanWert, and Tyler Johnson.
Scranton High School
First row, from left, representing Scranton High School: Trevor Calvey, Damani Kizer, Colin Maldonado, and Nanine Gramigna (advisor). Second row, Jinal Dave, Margi Shah, Taylor Maloney, and Gretchen Mattern. Third row, Kelly McAfee, Chris Borgia, Cody Miller, and Nick Cimino.
Carbondale Area High School
First row, from left, representing Carbondale Area High School: Zoe Zazzera, Bridget Connolly, Mollie Salitsky, and Al Dyno (advisor). Second row, Conor Durkin, Mark Roche, Alyssa Korman, Jared Daniels, and Andy Gorel.
Forest City Regional High School
First row, from left, representing Forest City Regional High School: Katelynn Barry, Kayla Bebla, Theresa Nebzydoski (advisor), and Michael Zack (advisor). Second row, Abbi Westgate, Matt Tigue, Steven Ramos, Sarah Gorton, Amanda Hartman, and Marissa Gillespie. Third row, Tyler Trichilo, Jon DeEsch, Dominick Evans, Mark Dolph, and Shane Frank.
Old Forge High School
First row, from left, representing Old Forge High School: Nathan Stancavage, Kaylie Harvey, Mercade Harding, and Diane Smith (advisor). Second row, Alicia Santarsiero, Brianna Cornell, Kailin Snyder, Leah Belotti, Sabrina Talarico, and Peyton Neishman. Third row, Deborah Rugar, Corey Souryavong, and Paul McCool.