University of Scranton To Hold Nursing Informatics Conference
The University of Scranton will host a conference in June on nursing informatics, the practice of integrating nursing with information management and communication technologies.
“Weekend Immersion in Nursing Informatics,” to be held June 5 and 6, will focus on topics such as the role of project management in successfully implementing patients’ electronic records; theories and frameworks that can be used in nursing informatics practice; and hardware and software for healthcare information management.
The conference will be led by Carol J Bickford, Ph.D., RN-BC, CPHIMS, FAAN, and Kathleen Smith, MScEd, RN-BC, FHMISS, managing partners of Informatics Consulting and Continuing Education.
Dr. Bickford has more than thirty years of nursing experience. After a military career with the U.S. Navy Nurse Corps, she became a senior policy fellow in the American Nurses Association’s Department of Nursing Practice and Work Environment. She received a doctorate in nursing informatics from the University of Maryland, Baltimore. Her dissertation research examined how nurses in clinical practice describe the concept of the computer-based patient record. She is board certified in nursing informatics by the American Nurses Credentialing Center and a Certified Professional of the Health Information and Management Systems Society.
Ms. Smith has more than forty years of nursing experience from a dual career as a consultant in the healthcare informatics field and as a Naval Reservist. She received a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Texas and a master’s in education from Old Dominion University. She is board certified in nursing informatics by the American Nurses Credentialing Center and a Fellow of the Health Information and Management Systems Society. She has also authored chapters in several books on healthcare informatics.
The conference registration fee is $450 until May 7, and $550 afterward. It includes all course materials, continuing education documentation and breakfast and lunch each day. Lodging is available at a group rate at the Radisson Lackawanna Station Hotel. Rooms must be reserved prior to May 5 for the group rate.
For registration information, contact Janet Bernick at 570-941-7673 or For additional information related to the program content, contact Margarete Zalon, Ph.D., RN, at 570-941-7655 or The Web site for the conference is