University of Scranton Names Full-Tuition Presidential Scholars
The University of Scranton has awarded nine incoming students four-year, full-tuition Presidential Scholarships. Front row, from left are Presidential Scholarship recipients Mia Woloszyn, Madison Township; Sara Wierbowski, Owega, New York; Megan Steinmetz, Vestal, New York; and Sarah Laga, Westbury, New York. Standing are University of Scranton President Kevin P. Quinn, S.J., and Presidential Scholarship recipients Samuel Morano, Clarks Summit; Joseph Delmar, Flourtown; Peter Kulick, Pittston Township; and Robert McGowan, Scranton. Not pictured is Presidential Scholarship recipient Kellie Smigel, Blairstown, New Jersey.
The University of Scranton has awarded nine incoming students four-year, full-tuition Presidential Scholarships. The Class of 2019 Presidential Scholarship recipients are Joseph Delmar, Peter Kulick, Sarah Laga, Robert McGowan, Samuel Morano, Kellie Smigel, Megan Steinmetz, Sara Wierbowski and Mia Woloszyn.
Presidential Scholarships are awarded to incoming freshmen with outstanding records in high school and notable community involvement. The scholarship covers four years of full tuition provided that the student maintains at least a 3.25 grade point average.
Joseph Delmar, Flourtown, is a graduate of Springfield Township High School. In high school, he was inducted into the National Honor Society. He was the vice president and co-founder of his school’s environmental club, and was a member of the varsity tennis team. A biophysics major, he is a member of the University’s Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program. His parents are William and Karen Delmar.
Peter Kulick, Pittston Township, graduated as salutatorian of Scranton Preparatory School. He was a National Merit Commended Scholar and was named a 2015 Times-Tribune Scholastic Superstar. In high school, he participated in varsity track and field, mathletes club, intramural bowling club, Spanish club and the scholastic bowl team. He was also a representative in student government. He participated in a service trip to South Dakota, volunteered at Good Shepherd Church, and continues to serve his parish, Sacred Heart of Jesus in Dupont. He is an electrical engineering major. His parents are Mark and Sharon Kulick.
Sarah Laga, Westbury, New York, is a graduate of Carle Place High School. A National AP Scholar, she was inducted into the National Honor Society, National Math Honor Society and National Spanish Honor Society in high school. She was varsity volleyball team captain, varsity track and field captain, editor-in-chief of her school newspaper, and class president during 9th and 10th grade. She was awarded the Bertie Green Junior Travel Award through the National Spanish Honor Society, and was named a New York State All-Tournament Player for volleyball in 2013. An international studies major, she is also a member of the University’s Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program. Her parents are Beatrice and Richard Laga.
Robert McGowan, Scranton, graduated as salutatorian of Scranton High School. In high school, he participated in the PMEA District and Regional Concert Band and Orchestra, was the two-time PMEA All-State Musician in Orchestra and Wind Ensemble, and was the seven-time principal double bassist in the PMEA Honors Ensembles. He also performed in the Scranton High School Concert Band and Orchestra and Marywood University Orchestra. He was named a 2015 Times-Tribune Scholastic Superstar. His service includes performing in various retirement homes with the Scranton High School Orchestra and tutoring for local students. He was a two-time gold medalist on the National Latin Exam, received the Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence, and is a National AP Scholar. A psychology major, he is also a member of the University’s Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program. His parents are Ronald and Marjorie McGowan.
Samuel Morano, Clarks Summit, graduated as valedictorian of Abington Heights High School. In high school, he played on the baseball team, was a co-captain of Science Olympiad, participated in student council and was inducted into the National Honor Society. He is a National AP Scholar with Distinction and a National Merit Commended Scholar. He was named a 2015 Times-Tribune Scholastic Superstar. His service includes volunteer work at Traditional Home Health and Hospice, St. Joseph’s Festival, and Habitat for Humanity in Franklin, West Virginia. A biology major, he is also a member of the University’s Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program. His parents are Tammy and John Morano, Esq., who is a University of Scranton alumnus.
Kellie Smigel, Blairstown, New Jersey, graduated as valedictorian of North Warren Regional High School. In high school, she was president of the National Honor Society and vice president of the Leo Club. She was a member of the Science League and National Spanish Honor Society. She served as an assistant coach for her summer swim team. She is an AP Scholar with Distinction. A nursing major, she is the daughter of Chris and Sally Smigel.
Megan Steinmetz, Vestal, New York, is a graduate of Vestal Senior High School. In high school, she played varsity soccer, was the secretary of the varsity club, class secretary of student government and secretary of the French Club. She participated in her school’s mentoring program and was inducted into the National Honor Society. She received the New York State Scholarship for Academic Excellence. Her service includes work with St. Vincent de Paul Blessed Sacrament Church youth group and volunteer work at Lourdes Hospital. A nursing major, she is the daughter of James and Jane Steinmetz.
Sara Wierbowski, Owego, New York, graduated as valedictorian of Owego Free Academy. In high school, she played varsity tennis and was a division doubles tennis all-star. She participated as class treasurer in 9th and 12th grade, in school musicals all four years of high school, and was inducted into the National Honor Society. She is a National AP Scholar with Honors. Her service includes volunteer work at Camp Ahwaga, several projects with her church’s youth group, and participation in a philanthropy council for her county. A neuroscience major, she is also a member of the University’s Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program. Her parents are Dave and Judy Wierbowski, both alumni of The University of Scranton.
Mia Woloszyn, Madison Township, graduated as valedictorian of Scranton Preparatory School. A National AP Scholar, she was designated Scranton Preparatory School’s 2015 Scholar of the Year. In high school, she was a member of the varsity softball team, the Dean’s team, Spanish club and Respect Life club. She was president of the Science Olympiad team and president of the National Honor Society. Her service includes volunteer work in a local back-to-school drive, assisted living homes, and a service trip to the Bronx, New York at Part of The Solution, a community center for low-income residence. She has currently not declared a major, but is on a pre-medicine track at the University. Her parents are Gary and Marita Woloszyn.