University of Scranton Concert Band to Perform November 14

The University of Scranton Concert Band will perform on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 7:30 p.m. in the University’s Houlihan-McLean Center. The concert is free of admission charge and open to the public.
The multi-ethnically focused program includes Pascual Marquina’s “Espana Cani,” Shelley Hanson’s “Albanian Dance,” Alfred Reed’s arrangement of Luigi Denza’s “Funiculi, Funicula,” Brian Balmages “Moscow 1941,” Richard Saucedo’s “American Barndance” and Nelhybel’s “Songs of Praise.”
The University of Scranton Concert Band is an 90-member ensemble comprised of members of the University community from majors and departments spanning the curriculum – the vast majority of them undergraduate students, joined by a few graduate students and members of the faculty and staff – none of whom are music majors, who are all brought together by their mutual love of music-making.
For additional information regarding this event, email, call 570-941-7624 or visit