University Announces December Events
Through Dec. 11 Exhibit: “We Teach Wherever the Mails Reach,” the 125th Anniversary of the International Correspondence Schools of Scranton. Heritage Room, Weinberg Memorial Library. Free during library hours. Call 570-941-6341 or email
Dec. 3 5:30 p.m. Schemel Forum and the Office of Community and Government Affairs Collaborative Program: “Strategizing Scranton’s Recovery” presented by Henry Amoroso, budget consultant to the City of Scranton and member of the firm Chiesa Shahinian & Giantomasi. Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall. Free. Reservation required. Call 570-941-6206 or email
Dec. 3 3 p.m. Panuska College of Professional Studies Blessing of the Books donated by members of the University community. Lobby, Leahy Hall. Free. Call 570-941-6305.
Dec. 5 8 p.m. (prelude from 7:05 p.m.) Performance Music: “48th Annual Noel Night” featuring University of Scranton singers and chamber ensembles. Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call 570-941-7624 or email
Dec. 13 11 a.m. Scranton Club of NEPA Brunch with Santa for University of Scranton alumni and their children. Scranton Hilton Hotel and Conference Center. Prices vary. Registration required. Call 570-941-5997 or email
Dec. 13 7:30 p.m. Performance Music: “Empty Stocking Fund Benefit Concert” featuring the University of Scranton Brass Orchestra. Houlihan-McLean Center. Admission: one new toy or piece of children’s clothing or cash donation. Call 570-941-7624 or email
Dec. 25 8 a.m. Community Christmas Day Breakfast. Doors open at 8 a.m., Fresh Food Company, DeNaples Center. Free. No reservation required. Call 570-941-7401 or email