Scranton Students Complete Summer Research Fellowships with Faculty
The University of Scranton granted seven undergraduate students President’s Fellowships for Summer Research in 2016. The fellowships, administered by the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, offer each student the chance to partner with a faculty mentor to complete a research project during the summer. Each project was proposed and designed by the student and their faculty mentor.
The following is a list of the students who were awarded research fellowships, their projects and faculty mentors.
Erika Beyrent of Clarks Summit, “The effects of oxidative stress of tau phosphorylation” with George Gomez, Ph.D., associate professor of biology.
Alexandra Brennan of Downingtown, “Natural task prioritization tendencies and their effects of gait during dual task walking” with Scott Breloff, Ph.D., assistant professor of exercise science and sport.
Michael Pottieger of Wyomissing, “Nicotine addiction treatment in Camponotous floridanus” with Marc Seid, Ph.D., assistant professor of biology.
Kyle Rodgers of Lancaster, “Developing biochemical rationale for the anticancer mechanisms of dietary strategies” with Timothy Foley, Ph.D., professor of chemistry.
Juliana Vossenberg of Fredericksburg, Virginia, “Amoral psychological analysis of sexual desire in a hookup culture” with Daniel Haggerty, Ph.D., associate professor of philosophy.
Sophie West of Los Angeles, California, “Patterns of extended supply chain emission disclosures: Do they follow integration patterns?” with Ozgur Isil, Ph.D., assistant professor of operation and information management.
Devin Wood of Netown, “The effects of maternal insulin resistance on prenatal GLUT4 development” with Patrick Orr, Ph.D., assistant professor of psychology.
From left, Michael Pottieger poses with Dr. Marc Seid in the lab where they researched nicotine addiction treatments during the summer.
From left, Dr. Timothy Foley and student Kyle Rodgers researched anticancer mechanisms of dietary strategies during the summer.
From left, Juliana Vossenberg, class of 2017, and Dr. Daniel Haggerty researched the present day hook-up culture for Vossenberg’s summer research project.
From left, Dr. Patrick Orr and Devin Wood, class of 2018, conducted research this summer through the University’s President’s Fellowships for Summer Research program.