29 Years Illiterate, 15 Years A Writer, and Nelson Lauver to Speak at Scranton

Author Nelson Lauver, who was functionally illiterate until the age of 29 as a result of undiagnosed dyslexia will discuss the challenges and triumphs faced by children and young adults with disabilities at a free, public lecture at The University of Scranton Wednesday, Oct. 5.
Lauver, author of “Most Unlikely to Succeed: the Trials, Travels and Ultimate Triumphs of a ‘Throwaway’ Kid,” has shared his inspirational stories with the public through his nationally syndicated radio show, “The American Storyteller Radio Journal,” which ran daily on more than 150 radio stations from 2001 through 2010. At the keynote presentation, Lauver will discuss his personal struggle to present powerful life lessons such as finding the strength to get back up after being knocked down and believing in yourself when no one else does.
A social entrepreneur, human rights advocate and businessperson, Lauver has dedicated his life to becoming a voice for those without a voice of their own.
Lauver’s presentation is in conjunction with the University’s 15th Annual U.S. Conference on disAbility, which is a daylong conference that will look at “Applying Innovative Solutions Using the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) as a Catalyst for Change.” The conference, hosted by the University’s Panuska College of Professional Studies with the support of the Edward R. Leahy Jr. Endowment, brings together national, state and regional experts to discuss a multifaceted approach to improving employment, independent living and transition for all people with disabilities. Edward R. and Patricia Leahy serve as honorary conference co-chairs.
Lauver’s presentation begins at 4:30 p.m. in the McIlhenny Ballroom of the DeNaples Center. For more information, email Rebecca Spirito Dalgin, Ph.D., director of the Rehabilitation Counseling program, at rebecca.dalgin@scranton.edu or Lori Bruch, Ed.D., chair of the Counseling and Human Services Department, at lori.bruch@scranton.edu.
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Nelson Lauver, author of “Most Unlikely to Succeed: the Trials, Travels and Ultimate Triumphs of a ‘Throwaway’ Kid,” will discuss the challenges and triumphs faced by children and young adults with disabilities at a free, public lecture at The University of Scranton Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 4:30 p.m. in the McIlhenny Ballroom of the DeNaples Center. The presentation is in conjunction with the University’s 15th Annual U.S. Conference on disAbility, hosted by the University’s Panuska College of Professional Studies with the support of the Edward R. Leahy Jr. Endowment.