Scranton Holds Ignatian Values in Action Lecture

The University of Scranton held its annual Ignatian Values in Action Lecture for members of its incoming class of 2021 in September. “The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything” by Rev. James Martin, S.J. H’17, was the selected book for this year’s incoming class, who were required to read the book and attend the lecture. At the Ignatian Values in Action Lecture are, from left: Teresa Grettano, Ph.D., assistant professor of English and theatre at the University; Brian P. Conniff, Ph.D., dean of the University’s College of Arts and Sciences; guest speaker Fr. Martin; Rev. Patrick Rogers, S.J., executive director of the University’s Jesuit Center; and Mary Ann Maslar, office manager for the Dean’s Office of the College of Arts and Sciences.