University Plans Veterans Day Events
The University of Scranton has planned several public events on campus to celebrate Veterans Day on Friday, Nov. 10.
Events include an interfaith prayer service over a “Field of Flags” at the Commons Flag Terrace and Founders Green at 11 a.m.
Veterans Day events will conclude with a 7 p.m. lecture about “Mindfulness Training: Stress Reduction Workshop” in the Veterans Lounge on the first floor of Hyland Hall. The lecture is open to members of the University community and Veterans at large.
These Veterans Day events, presented free of charge, are sponsored by the University’s Veterans Club and the Veterans Advocacy Committee with a grant from Lockheed Martin, Inc.
In addition to the public events, A Veterans Luncheon featuring speaker Lt. Col. Richard H. Breen, class of 1977 and a member of the University’s Alumni Society, will take place at 11:30 a.m. in The DeNaples Center Ballroom for faculty, staff and students. An Open House from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. will give individuals an opportunity to meet the officers of the Veterans Club in the Veterans Lounge on the first floor of Hyland Hall.