Scranton Hosts Google News Lab Training

The University of Scranton Department of Communication and The Society of Professional Journalists hosted Google News Lab Training on campus.
The University of Scranton’s Department of Communication and the Society of Professional Journalists presented “Google News Lab Training with Vix Reitano” on campus recently. From left are University of Scranton communication professors Kim Pavlick, Ph.D., and Matthew Reavy, Ph.D., and Vix Reitano, founder and CEO of CreatiVix Media who presented the training session.
The University of Scranton’s Department of Communication and the Society of Professional Journalists presented “Google News Lab Training with Vix Reitano” on campus recently. From left are University of Scranton communication professors Kim Pavlick, Ph.D., and Matthew Reavy, Ph.D., and Vix Reitano, founder and CEO of CreatiVix Media who presented the training session.

The University of Scranton’s Department of Communication and the Society of Professional Journalists hosted “Google News Lab Training with Vix Reitano” on campus in October.

Google launched News Lab to collaborate with journalists on improving the way news is produced and distributed. The Society of Professional Journalists partnered with News Lab in 2015 to provide training to journalists looking to apply Google’s tools in their reporting. Since the partnership began, more than 8,000 journalists have received training at 200 locations around the United States.

Reitano, the guest speaker at the University’s training session, is an international speaker, social media expert, content strategist and digital video producer. She is also the founder and CEO of CreatiVix Media, a digital agency based in Manhattan.


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