University Conducts Political Dialogue Training
More than 40 University of Scranton faculty and staff members attended a Political Dialogue Facilitation Training Workshop on campus in January. The training, which included instruction in a reflective, structured dialogue method led by Essential Partners and principles of Ignatian dialogue led by the University’s Jesuit Center, is part of an ongoing “Bursting our Political Bubbles” civic engagement initiative aimed at addressing political polarization. The University will host student “Dialogue across Differences” sessions Mar. 26, Apr. 9 and Apr. 25. From left are: From left: Jessica Durkin, administrative assistant, Office of Community and Government Relations; Jessica Nolan, Ph.D., associate professor of psychology; Amy Simolo, faculty specialist, Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence; Rev. Patrick Rogers, S.J., executive director, the Jesuit Center; Jean Wahl Harris, Ph.D., professor of political science; Teresa Grettano, Ph.D., assistant professor of English and theatre; Mary Jacksteit, Essential Partners; Jose Sanchez; assistant director, Cross Cultural Centers; Jennifer Laporta, J.D., executive director, Office of Equity and Diversity; Gretchen Van Dyke, Ph.D., associate professor of political science; Cyrus P. Olsen III, Ph.D., associate professor of theology and religious studies; and Julie Schumacher Cohen, director, Office of Community and Government Relations.
The political dialogue civic engagement initiative is sponsored by The Jesuit Center together with The Ellacuría Initiative, the Center for Teaching and Learning and the Political Science Department, with additional support from the Office of Community and Government Relations, the Office of Equity and Diversity, the Provost’s Office, the Division of Student Formation and Campus Life and faculty from various academic departments.