Scranton Among Nation’s Best for Salary Potential
The University of Scranton ranked among the top 12 percent of colleges in the nation for alumni earnings, according to “Best Universities and Colleges by Salary Potential” 2017-2018 College Salary Report published online by PayScale. The report ranked U.S. colleges based on the median salary reported of alumni early in their careers (from zero to five years of work experience) and at mid-career (ten or more years of work experience).
The salary information used for the analysis was drawn from data reported by the million-plus participants of PayScale’s salary survey. Only U.S. colleges with a statistically significant sample size of respondents were included in the rankings.
Scranton ranked No. 179 among the 1,531 colleges in the nation ranked (top 12 percent) based on median salary reported of all alumni, which includes alumni who earned a bachelor’s degree at the University as well as alumni who continued their education to earn a graduate degree at the University or another school. PayScale reported a median salary for Scranton alumni early in their career of $53,400 and $106,300 at mid-career.
Scranton ranked No. 198 among the 1,509 colleges ranked (top 13 percent) based on median salary reported of alumni who earned only a bachelor’s degree. In this category, Scranton alumni reported a median salary of $52,000 early in their career and $101,400 at mid-career.
The ranking also included the percentage of alumni who said “their work makes the world a better place” (44 percent reported for Scranton alumni) and the percentage of degrees awarded in the science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) fields (13 percent reported for Scranton alumni).