University Announces February Events

Feb. 1 through Mar. 1 Art Exhibit: “I’m in the Wrong Film: Photographs by Hans Gindlesberger.” Hope Horn Gallery, Hyland Hall. Free during gallery hours. Call 570-941-4214 or email
Feb. 1 5 p.m. Art Gallery Lecture: “I’m in the Wrong Film: Photographs by Hans Gindlesberger” presented by Hans Gindlesberger, exhibiting artist. Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall. Reception to follow at the Hope Horn Gallery. Call 570-941-4214 or email
Feb 1 7:30 p.m. Performance Music: “In Recital” featuring Jay Rattman, woodwinds, and Janet Sora Chung, organ. Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call 570-941-7624 or email
Feb. 2 1 p.m. 19th Annual Northeast PA Brain Bee sponsored by the Neuroscience Program at The University of Scranton. Snow date Feb. 9. PNC Auditorium, Loyola Science Center. Free. Pre-registration required. Call 570-941-4324 or email
Feb. 4 noon. Schemel Forum’s Munley Law World Affairs Luncheon Series: “What to Expect from Trump’s Foreign Policy in 2019” presented by Trudy Rubin, worldview columnist, The Philadelphia Inquirer. Collegiate Hall, Redington Hall. Registration required. Fees vary. Call 570-941-6206 or email
Feb. 13 5:30 p.m. Schemel Forum with Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine Collaborative Program: “Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and Resiliency: The Long Term Health, Legal and Societal Consequences” presented by Dennis Dawgert, M.D. McDonnell Room, The DeNaples Center. Registration required. Free. Call 570-941-6206 or email
Feb. 20 noon. Schemel Forum’s Munley Law World Affairs Luncheon Series: “Sing Sing Prison and the History of Criminal Justice: An Illustrated Presentation about One of America’s Iconic Institutions” presented by Brent D. Glass, Ph.D., director emeritus, Smithsonian National Museum of American History. Rose Room, Brennan Hall. Registration required. Fees vary. Call 570-941-6206 or email
Feb. 22-24 and Mar. 1-3 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday. Performance: “Bright Star” book and music by Steve Martin and Edie Brickell, lyrics by Edie Brickell, directed by Michael O’Steen presented by The University of Scranton Players. McDade Center for Literary and Performing Arts. Fees vary. Call 570-941-4318 or email
Feb 22 7:30 p.m. Performance Music: “In Concert” featuring Ron Stabinsky and “Mostly Other People Do The Killing.” Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call 570-941-7624 or email
Feb. 23 11 a.m. “Ignite Student Leadership Conference.” Leadership development program open to Northeast Pennsylvania college students. McIlhenny Ballroom, DeNaples Center. $25 fee for non-University students includes program materials, refreshments and lunch. Pre-registration required. Call 570-941-6233 or visit
Schemel Forum Courses
Tuesdays: Feb. 5, 12, 19, 26 & Mar. 5, 19 6 p.m. Schemel Forum Evening Course: “Kurt Vonnegut & the Narrative of Trauma” presented by Joe Kraus, chair and professor, Department of English and Theatre, The University of Scranton. Weinberg Memorial Library. Registration required. Fees vary. Call 570-941-6206 or email