Concert Choir and Scranton Brass Orchestra Perform

This performance has been canceled due to COVID-19 concerns.
On Sunday, March 29, The University of Scranton’s Concert Choir will present a concert in collaboration with Scranton Brass Orchestra.
Presented by Performance Music at The University of Scranton, the concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. inside the University’s Houlihan-McLean Center, Mulberry Street and Jefferson Avenue. Admission is free, with seating on a first-come, first-seated basis.
According to Performance Music Conductor and Director Cheryl Y. Boga, the concert will feature a short program by each group, followed by the performance of three pieces by the combined groups, with piano and organ accompaniment. Guest pianist/organist for the concert is John Vaida, who is organist and choir director at the First Presbyterian Church in Wilkes-Barre, and chair of the Fine and Performing Arts Department and choral director at Wyoming Seminary.
Formed well over half a century ago, the mixed-voice University of Scranton Concert Choir is a 50-member ensemble made up of students from majors spanning the University’s curriculum, brought together by their love of music. They are known for their eclectic and diverse styles of programming, and their selections on this concert range from Renaissance to calypso, traditional hymn to South African anthem. All enrolled Scranton students are eligible for membership in the Performance Music vocal and instrumental ensembles.
Now in its 10th season, Scranton Brass Orchestra is a fully professional 28-member ensemble comprised of brass and percussion players/teachers from across the region. Since its founding in June 2011, the group’s performances have been free and open to the public, and have featured nationally and internationally acclaimed guests, among them the most acclaimed brass players of our time.
For further information on the concert, call 570-941-7624, email or visit