Meal Options Added to Accommodate Fall Conditions
Dining Services has adjusted ways to prepare and deliver meals for the fall semester that accommodate all University meal plans and follow federal, state, local, Aramark, and University health and safety guidelines to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Plans include additional cleaning procedures; reduced density seating and accommodations for social distancing in all food service locations; and expanded outdoor seating options in front of the DeNaples Center.
Pre-packaged “grab-and-go” meals that include a salad, dessert and up to two lunch and dinner choices as well as beverage options will be available on the third floor of the DeNaples Center, the lobby of the Long Center, a food truck on the DeNaples Patio as well as other locations on campus.
Dining Services has added lunch and dinner hours in the Fresh Food Company; and meal swipe access at Bleecker Street in the Loyola Science Center and Einstein Bros. Bagels in Leahy Hall. Take-out containers will be available for all of these options. Mobile ordering for the DeNaples Food Court on the first floor will be available in September.
Aramark employees will serve food at all stations. Self-serve food areas will be eliminated for the fall semester.
Seating, food preparation and serving areas will be cleaned by Aramark staff throughout the day as well as when the venues close. Cleaning and disinfection protocols comply with guidelines from the CDC for preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
Students are required to wear a mask when ordering food or moving about dining facilities areas on campus. Masks can only be removed while eating at designated dining areas. Plexiglass shields have been added to tables and booths of Fresh Food Company to allow two students to sit in defined seating areas while meeting social distancing requirements. Additional seating that meets safety recommendations has been added in tented areas outside of the DeNaples Center. Seating in the first-floor dining area of the DeNaples Center has been removed to accommodate space needed for those using these food services to socially distance.
Signage throughout food service areas will remind students of health and safety recommendations and the shared responsibility of all community members to follow the guidelines put in place to stay safe.
Additional information about University of Scranton Dining Services is available on its webpage.Plexiglass shields have been added to high traffic areas throughout campus, including the food service areas on the first floor of the DeNaples Center.