Fully In-person Classes to Resume at University in Fall

The University of Scranton announced plans to return to fully in-person classes for the fall semester and will begin to open the campus to in-person camps and conferences beginning this summer. The University will adhere to capacity limits established by the Pennsylvania Department of Health and will continue to follow other health and safety requirements, which include social distancing and mask wearing.
The campus will remain closed to the general public through the summer.
“Since the pandemic began, the University planned and adapted based on state and federal guidance and directives, the best available scientific advice, and circumstances within our campus and surrounding community,” said Jeff Gingerich, Ph.D., acting president, noting the University’s planning placed “the health and safety of our community at the center of our decisions.”
“We have succeeded thus far in responding to the pandemic because our care and concern for each other has inspired personal responsibility and sacrifice,” said Dr. Gingerich in an announcement sent to the University community announcing plans for the fall and summer. “I am confident that our love for each other and for the University will continue to inspire the best in us as we strive to remain Royals Safe Together.”
The University plans to offer undergraduate and graduate classes fully in-person in the fall 2021 semester, which begins August 30. The University will continue to offer graduate programs online that have been traditionally offered in that format.
An in-person Fall Welcome Weekend is being planned for Saturday and Sunday, August 28 and 29, and in-person summer orientation sessions are being planned for the Class of 2025.
This summer, the University will offer some in-person classes and laboratories, University-sponsored summer programs, and conferences and camps conducted by outside community groups and organizations. On-campus admissions tours will continue to be offered.
Additional information will be shared in the coming weeks, with more details about campus safety requirements as adaptions are made to the University’s Royals Safe Together Plan to follow updated guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and the Pennsylvania Department of Health. The Royals Safe Together plan will continue to updated in the months ahead as the situation related to the pandemic continues to develop.