Get to Know Father Marina
We asked Rev. Joseph G. Marina, S.J., the 29th president of The University of Scranton, a few personal questions to get to know him better. Here are his responses.
Do you have any pets?
I don’t have any pets at the moment, but I love animals, especially dogs.
Do you have any hobbies?
Hobbies, I have two. And, my two favorite hobbies are almost diametrically opposed to each other. I love to walk and hike when I can – and I also love to cook. Sometimes those hobbies are in tension with each other, but I typically try to do a good job in keeping them in balance.
Do you have a favorite meal you like to cook? Do you have a specialty?
I make a really good Bolognese sauce, if I must say so myself.
Do you have a favorite movie?
My favorite movie would be “A River Runs Through It.” I think it’s a wonderfully reflective movie. The cinematography is just gorgeous. It is a film that I could watch again, and again.
How about a favorite book?
I would say my favorite book is the one that I’m always currently reading. So, the answer changes as I move from one to the other. Right now, I’m reading “A Man who Loved Dogs.” It’s a historical novel about Leon Trotsky.
How about a favorite sport?
Well, I’m not much of a sportsman, I’ll have to admit that. But, I really enjoy college athletics, especially when they’re connected to the school at which I happen to be serving. So, the athletes and the coaches at Scranton will see me in the stands and in the bleachers as often as my schedule allows.
When you’re in the stands for those Scranton athletes, are you a rowdy fan?
Well, I’m afraid that sometimes I run the risk of getting thrown out of the gym. But, I promise to be on my best behavior.
Are you more of a morning person are more of a night owl?
If you had asked me that 30 years ago, I would give you a different answer. Now, I am definitely a morning person. I get most of my work done in the early morning hours.
What quote, or phrase, or word do you think maybe best describes you?
I would hope it would be the word loving. That may be too audacious for me to claim. But let me say it’s a word that I aspire to.
How would you describe The University of Scranton in one word?
I’m very glad to now use the word home.
Watch the latest video featuring Scranton's president-elect below.