Students Win Cyber Forensic Competition
Students representing The University of Scranton came in first place in the inaugural two-day Cyber Forensic Student Competition sponsored by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Bureau of Justice Assistance. Utica College hosted the virtual competition on April 29-30 at which 10 college teams from the Northeast U.S. competed. The competition included evidence discovery, gathering and preservation, investigation and analysis.
Members of The University of Scranton’s team, called the Royal-Cyber Warriors, were: Maria Mancuso, a sophomore cybercrime and homeland security major from Lebanon, New Jersey; Evan Chang, a sophomore cybercrime and homeland security major from Malvern; and Andrew Huertas, a senior criminal justice major from Dalton.
Sinchul Back, Ph.D., assistant professor and director of cybercrime and cybersecurity at the University’s Department of Sociology, Criminal Justice and Criminology, served as the team’s advisor.