Class of 2022 Graduates Choose Long Term Service
Ten members of The University of Scranton’s class of 2022 have committed to post-graduation long-term service projects with nonprofit organizations and underserved populations. Their service begins this summer at programs run by the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and other organizations.
The following is a list of members of the University’s class of 2022 who committed to long-term service projects and their places of service.
Marino D. Angeloni, Jessup, will serve as a high school teacher and assist with campus ministry at Yap Caholic High School in Micronesia. Angeloni earned a Bachelor of Science degree in counseling and human services.
Victoria T. Chiulli, Scarsdale, New York, will serve as an activities coordinator as part of the Mercy Volunteer Corps at the Adult Day Program at Georgia Infirmary in Savannah, Georgia. Chiulli earned a Master of Science degree in occupational therapy.
Isaiah J. Livelsberger, Hanover, will serve with advocacy work and legal services at Casa Nazaret with the KINO Border Initiative. Livelsberger earned a Bachelor of Science degree as a double major in international studies and philosophy. He also was a member of the University’s undergraduate Honors Program.
Abril Lopez, Scranton, will teach at Holy Name School in Camden, New Jersey, as an ACE Teaching Fellow with St. Joseph’ s University. Lopez earned a Bachelor of Science as a double major in criminal justice and philosophy.
Margaret R. McGrath, Drexel Hill, will serve at Little Brothers, Friends of the Elderly in Chicago, Illinois, as part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. McGrath earned a Bachelor of Science degree as a double major in biology and philosophy. She was also a member of the University’s Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program, its undergraduate Honors Program and its Magis Honors Program in STEM.
Emma M. Reed, Stratford, Connecticut, will serve as a high school English teacher in Baltimore, Maryland, with Operation Teach. Reed earned a Bachelor of Science degree in secondary education – English.
Molly H. Skinner, Reading, Massachusetts, will serve in learning support as part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Northwest, at St. Therese Catholic Academy in Seattle, Washington. Skinner earned a Master of Science in special education.
Olivia R. Stemkowski, Highland Mills, New York, will serve as an adult services coordinator at the University of Alaska at the Kuskokwim Consortium Library in Fairfax, Alaska, as part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Northwest. Stemkowski earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in history.
Lauren P. Usaitis, Du Bois, will serve as an after school and teen programs coordinator at Girls in the Game in Chicago, Illinois, as part of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps. Usaitis earned a Bachelor of Science degree in biology.
Sarah V. White, Brooklyn, New York, will serve with eco-justice initiatives at the St. Joseph Justice Center Ministry in Orange County, California, for the Sisters of St. Joseph Volunteers. White earned a Bachelor of Science degree as a double major in biology and philosophy. She was a member of the University’s Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program and its Magis Honors Program in STEM. She was also the recipient of the University’s full-tuition Presidential Scholarship.
Nationally recognized for its commitment to service, The University of Scranton was among just 29 elite colleges in the nation selected to the Catholic Volunteer Network’s 2020 “Top Schools for Service.” was among just 361 colleges in the nation to earn the highly-respected Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Community Engagement Classification and was among the higher education institutions named to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll. Each year, more than 2,800 Scranton students volunteer for more than 175,000 hours of service.