Edward and Patricia Leahy Honored by University

The University of Scranton presented Edward ’68, H’01 and Patricia Leahy with the President’s Medal at the “A Fire That Kindles Other Fires Campaign” black-tie gala on Sept. 16.
The President’s Medal recognizes individuals who have achieved excellence in their fields and demonstrated extraordinary compassion for others, representing lifetime achievements that reflect the University’s mission of Catholic and Jesuit excellence and service.
“When you think about a fire that kindles other fires, you cannot help but think about Ed and Pat Leahy and the extraordinary way that they have contributed continuously to benefit the University and the greater community beyond campus,” said Rev. Joseph Marina, S.J., president of The University of Scranton. “Their contributions have supported more than 30 faculty research grants, student scholarships, the Edward R. Leahy Jr. Clinic for the Uninsured and the annual U.S. Conference on disABILITY, now in its 23rd year. Through their decades of support, they have touched so many lives for the better, and, I am certain, have sparked flames of excellence in a countless number of individuals. I am grateful to count them among the University’s closest friends and most-generous benefactors.”
At the gala, Father Marina announced that the University has received the largest single-donation in its history, a $10 million gift from the Leahys.
In his remarks after receiving the medal, Mr. Leahy reminisced about his life – from growing up in a “coal patch” in Mahanoy City, to attending The University of Scranton, to law school at Boston College and completing successful business dealings with international clients.
“Everyday was a day of wonderment,” said Mr. Leahy about his experience as a student at Scranton. “This place opened the world to me.”
In 2008, Mr. Leahy spoke about his son at the dedication ceremony of the clinic named in his son’s honor.
“Edward, who was a wonderful, happy child, with multiple disabilities, passed away in 1993, just before his ninth birthday. Throughout his short life, Edward was helped enormously by doctors, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, and many other health professionals. In their honor, and in Edward’s memory, we wanted, in some small way, to bring that same quality healthcare to the people of Lackawanna County, through the efforts of the multitalented faculty and staff at The University of Scranton,” said Mr. Leahy at the 2008 ceremony.

In 2015, the University dedicated Edward R. Leahy Jr. Hall in honor of their late son.
In 1988, in memory of Mr. Leahy’s uncle, the Leahys created the Edward P. Leahy Scholarship, which awards scholarships to University students annually. In 1994, in memory of their son, Edward, they created the Edward R. Leahy Jr. Endowment at the University, which is the largest single endowment at Scranton. That endowment has supported the Clinic for the Uninsured, which includes physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling and low vision clinics that help individuals who are most in need in Lackawanna County. An agreement between the University and Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine will further expand the reach and services offered by the Leahy Medical Clinic.
A University of Scranton alumnus and native of Mahanoy City, Mr. Leahy served as past chair of the University’s Board of Trustees and was honored by the University with the Alumni Achievement Award for Distinguished and Exceptional Attainment, given in 1993, and with an Honorary Degree, bestowed in 2001.
Mr. Leahy participated in the ROTC program as a student at Scranton and was commissioned into the U.S. Army upon graduation. He served as a captain in military intelligence. He earned his law degree from Boston College as a Presidential Scholar, and was elected editor-in-chief of the Law Review. Early in his career, he served as a law clerk to Justice William J. Brennan of the U.S. Supreme Court. Later in his distinguished career, he was a partner in two prestigious law firms. In 2003, he was named the first Sir Maurice Shock Visiting Fellow at University College, Oxford, U.K., where he was also a member of the faculty of law from 1998 to 2016.
Patricia Leahy, who was unable to attend the gala, worked for 19 years on Capitol Hill and spent six years as a special assistant for legislative affairs in the U.S. Department of Education during the Clinton Administration. She also served for nearly two decades with public policy and legislative affairs to assist individuals with disabilities for the National Rehabilitation Association in Washington, D.C. A native of Boston, she majored in English at Boston College.