Area Women Complete Business Startup Program

Aileen Grasso, Clarks Summit; Colleen Kozubal, Factoryville; Amanda Matute, Scranton; Sophia Outar, Swiftwater; Regina Petrunich, Scranton; Sara Wild, Clarks Summit and seven others completed The University of Scranton Women’s Entrepreneurship Center StartUP Fall Program.
Facilitated by experienced business consultants from The University of Scranton Small Business Development Center (SBDC), this six-week certificate series is designed to provide women with the skills and knowledge needed to start their own businesses, with a focus on serving women in a life transition or those trying to make a better life for themselves and their families. This program offers participants education, support and guidance in determining if entrepreneurship is an option for them while teaching business startup basics, legal and insurance considerations, marketing and social media essentials, business plan development, accounting and budget skills, financing options and goal setting.
Housed in the Kania School of Management, The University of Scranton Women’s Entrepreneurship Center (WEC) is a program of the Small Business Development Center (SBDC). WEC student interns and SBDC staff offer business start-up information, guidance and encouragement. For more information, visit
Scranton’s SBDC serves eight counties in Northeastern and Northern Tier Pennsylvania.