Faculty Awarded Intersession Development Grants
Faculty Awarded Intersession Development Grants
The University of Scranton announced the following seven faculty members were awarded Development Intersession Grants for January 2010.
Dona Bauman, Ph.D., a resident of Clarks Summit, has received a grant to research “Models of Excellence in School District Inclusive Practices: One School District’s Story.” Dr. Bauman is an assistant professor of education.
Leonard Champney, Ph.D., a resident of Scranton, has received a grant to research “Gender and Student Learning Outcomes in American National Government Courses.” Dr. Champeny is a professor of political science.
Shuhua Fan, Ph.D., a resident of Clarks Summit, has received a grant to research “Explaining the Demise of the Christian Colleges in China: A Case Study of the Harvard-Yenching Institute, 1949-1952.” Dr. Fan is an assistant professor of history.
Douglas Haladay, Ph.D., a resident of Madison Township, has received a grant to research “An Electromyographic and Kinematic Analysis of Abdominal Muscle Activity during Abdominal Strength Training.” Dr. Haladay is an instructor in the Physical Therapy/Occupational Therapy Department.
Hong Nguyen, Ph.D., a resident of South Abington Township, has received a grant to research “Financial Reporting Quality, Disclosure Regulation, and Firm Investment: Evidence from the Great Depression Period.” Dr. Nguyen is an associate professor of economics/finance.
Rui Niu, Ph.D., a resident of Scranton, has received a grant to research “What is Missing? Exploring the Supporting System in China’s New English Textbook Implementation.” Dr. Niu is an assistant professor of education.
Yamile Silva, A.B.D., a resident of Scranton, has received a grant to research “Letter Writing by Women of the Viceroyalty of La Plata: 1600-1790.” Dr. Silva is an assistant professor of world languages and culture.