University Announces Spring Calendar of Events
Through April 5
Alphabets from the Zaner-Bloser Collection. Heritage Room, Weinberg Memorial
Library. Free during library hours. Call 941-6341.
February 3 through March 2
Exhibit: “Sacred Birch” paintings by Koval Grippo.
Hope Horn Gallery, Hyland Hall. Free during gallery hours. Call 941-4214.
February 3, 5
Gallery Lecture: ‘Sacred
Birch” presented by Koval Grippo, Artist. Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall.
Public reception to follow: Hope Horn Gallery, Hyland Hall. Free. Call
February 8, noon.
Schemel Forum Luncheon Series: “Small Change: Why Big Business Won’t
Change the World” presented by Michael Edwards, writer, activist and senior
fellow at Demos. Rose Room, Brennan Hall. Pre-registration required. Fees vary.
Call 941-7816.
February 9, 7 p.m.
for Justice documentary film “9/11.” Discussion following the film facilitated
by Scranton Fire Department Deputy Chief Allen Lucas. Pearn Auditorium of Brennan Hall. Free. Call 941-4051.
February 11, 1 p.m.
Annual Northeast Pennsylvania Brain Bee sponsored by the neuroscience program
at The University of Scranton and Northeast Pennsylvania Area Health Education
Center. Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall. Pre-registration required. Call
February 12, 7:30 p.m.
“In Concert” featuring The University of Scranton Jazz Band, Valentine’s
Day Concert. Houlihan McLean Center. Free. Call 941-7624.
February 15, 7 p.m.
for Justice documentary film “Saint of 9/11.” Discussion following the film
facilitated by Rick Malloy, S.J., vice president for University Ministries. Pearn Auditorium of Brennan Hall. Free.
Call 941-4051.
February 17, noon.
Schemel Forum Luncheon Series: “Can We
Feed the Planet Without Destroying It? Our Global Challenge” presented by Tim
Searchinger, research scholar and lecturer, Princeton University, Woodrow
Wilson School of Public and International Affairs. Pearn Auditorium, Brennan
Hall. Pre-registration required. Fees vary. Call 941-7816.
February 18, 9:30
a.m. registration.
“Ignite: Student Leadership
Conference.” Leadership development program open to northeast Pennsylvania
college students. DeNaples Center. $25 fee for non-University of Scranton
students includes program materials, refreshments and lunch. Pre-registration
required. Call 941-6233 or visit
February 18, 7:30
The 4th Annual
Gene Yevich Memorial Concert featuring The New York Trumpet Ensemble, Mark
Gould, director. With Mark Gould, Caleb Hudson, Joseph Boga and Mat Jodrell,
trumpets; Adam Burnbaum, piano; Phil Kuehn, bass. Houlihan-McLean Center. Free.
Call 941-7624.
February 23, 7 p.m.
for Justice faculty panel discussion on the impact 9/11 has had on the way they
teach and in their fields of study, which include English, business, and
education. Moskovitz Theater,
DeNaples Center. Free. Call 941-4051.
February 24-26 & March 2-4, 8 p.m.
Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday
“Fuddy Meers” by David
Lindsey-Abaire, directed by Sheila Stasack, presented by The University of
Scranton Players. McDade Center for Literary and Performing Arts. Ticket prices
vary. Call 941-4318.
February 25, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Healthy Heart Fair at The Mall at Steamtown hosted by The
University of Scranton Exercise Science Club. Event includes free blood
pressure readings, body fat analysis, massages, educational games and
information promoting awareness of heart health and heart disease. Free. Second
floor, The Mall at Steamtown. Call 941-5841.
March 1, 7
Entrepreneurship Panel
Discussion: “The Marcellus Shale- Fabulous Opportunities for Small Businesses
and Entrepreneurs” presented by Lackawanna College and The University of
Scranton Entrepreneurship Program in conjunction with the Northeast
Pennsylvania Technology Member Colleges and Universities. McIlhenny Ballroom,
DeNaples Center. Free. Call. 941-7401.
March 2, 7:30 p.m.
“In Recital” featuring organist Tim Brumfield. Houlihan-McLean Center.
Free. Call 941-7624.
March 6, 6:30
“Regan Reads: A Poetic
Interlude” presented by Nell Regan, Irish poet and Fulbright Scholar at the
International Writing Program at the University of Iowa and Berkley California,
sponsored by Irish Culture. Heritage Room, Weinberg Memorial Library. Free. Call
March 6-7, Time TBA.
PIAA District II Sportsmanship and The University of
Scranton Bochicchio Sport Character Initiative Workshop. Moskovitz Theater,
DeNaples Center. Pre-registration required. Call 607-237-9263
March 7, noon.
Schemel Forum Luncheon Series: “Three
Major Pandemics: Malaria, Tuberculosis and HIV/Aids: An Overview from an
African Perspective” presented by William A. Takang, M.D., practicing physician
and consultant from Cameroon, Hubert Humphrey Fellowship alumnus, research
scholar at New York University School of Medicine. Rose Room, Brennan Hall.
Pre-registration required. Fees vary. Call 941-7816.
March 21, 7 p.m.
French Film Series: “Potiche” (Trophy Wife) directed by Francois Ozon.
Pearn Auditorium, Brennan Hall. Free. Call 941-4163.
March 21, 7:30 p.m.
“In Recital” featuring The University of Scranton Performance Music
students. Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call 941-7624.
March 22, 8
Lecture: “A Catholic priest
among Muslims: What I have learned” presented by Fr. Thomas Michel, S.J., board
of the Academic Council of the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding at
Georgetown University, the International Advisory Board of the Khalidi Library
in Jerusalem, and the Advisory Board of the Center for Civilizational Dialogue
at the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Room 133, Loyola Science
Center. Free. Call 941-4546
March 25, 3:30 p.m.
Math Integration Bee, McIlhenny Ballroom, DeNaples Center. Call
March 26 through March 30; April 16 through May 4
“The Visiting Nurse Association of Scranton: One Hundred Years” Hope Horn
Gallery, Hyland Hall. Free during gallery hours. Call 941-4214.
March 27, 7 p.m.
French Film Series: “White Material” directed by Claire Denis. Pearn
Auditorium, Brennan Hall. Free. Call 941-4163.
March 27, 7
Education for Justice poetry
reading presented by Brian Turner, 2005 Beatrice Hawley Award, The New York Times “Editor's Choice”
selection and the 2007 Poets Prize. Moskovitz Theater, Brennan Hall. Free. Call
March 30, noon.
Schemel Forum Luncheon Series: “Back to
the Future: FDR’s Four Freedoms Go Global” presented by Allida Black, executive
editor of the fdr4freedoms Digital Initiative and research professor of history
and international affairs, the George Washington University. Collegiate Hall,
Redington Hall. Pre-registration required. Fees vary. Call 941-7816.
March 30, 5
Gallery Lecture: “The
Visiting Nurses Association of Scranton” presented by Josephine Dunn, Ph.D.,
professor of art history, The University of Scranton and Marian Farrell, Ph.D.,
professor of nursing, The University of Scranton. Pearn Auditorium, Brennan
Hall. Public reception to follow: Hope Horn Gallery, Hyland Hall. Free. Call
March 31, 9
Preview Day for students
accepted to The University of Scranton. Various locations on campus. Call
April 1, 7:30 p.m.
“In Concert” featuring The University of Scranton Singers with a chamber
ensemble from the Manhattan School of Music. Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call
April 3, 7 p.m.
for Justice lecture by Karen Greenberg, director of the Center on National
Security, Fordham University. Pearn Auditorium of Brennan Hall. Free. Call 941-4051.
April 10, noon.
Schemel Forum Luncheon Series: “The
Greening of Democracy? The Arab Spring and its Outcomes” presented by Elbiet
Matynia, director, Transregional Center for Democratic Studies, the New School.
Rose Room, Brennan Hall. Pre-registration required. Fees vary. Call 941-7816.
April 12, 7 p.m.
for Justice film “Restrepo.” Discussion following the film facilitated by Professor
Erin Leach, military science. Pearn Auditorium of Brennan Hall. Free. Call
April 15, 7:30
“Love Songs, a Concert in
Memory of Joan Sylvester” featuring The University of Scranton Jazz Ensemble
and guest artist Wycliffe Gordon. Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call 941-7624.
April 16-25
Environmental Art Show. Heritage Room, Weinberg Memorial Library. Free during
library hours. Call 941-7520.
April 17, 7 p.m.
for Justice film “Taking the Heat” about Brenda Berkman, retired Captain of the
NYC Fire Department. Discussion following the film facilitated by Political
Science Professor Jean Harris, Ph.D. Pearn Auditorium of Brennan Hall. Free. Call
April 19, 8
Seventh Annual Kane
Competition for high school students. Byron Recreation Complex. Pre-registration
required. Call 941-7509.
April 19, 4:30 p.m.
Campus Take Back the Night Pre-Rally.
Dionne Campus Green. Call 941-6194.
April 19-22, 8
p.m. Thursday through Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday.
“Spring Awakening” presented by
the Liva Arts Company. Jefferson Auditorium, Leahy Hall. Fees vary.
April 20, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Earth Week Fair Trade Vendors’ Fair. Free.
Dionne Campus Green. Call 941-7520 for more information.
April 21, 9:30
27th Annual Psychology
Conference. Pearn Auditorium and 5th floor, Brennan Hall. Registration
required. General public $10; University of Scranton students, faculty staff free.
Call 941-4266.
April 21, 1
Gospel Extravaganza, Moskovitz
Theater, DeNaples Center. Free.
Call 941-7401.
April 21, 8
Spring Concert hosted by USPB. Byron Complex. Must be 18 or older to
attend. Call 941-7463.
April 24, 10
Earth Day Fair. Patio, DeNaples Center. Rain location: McIlhenny Ballroom,
DeNaples Center. Free. Call 941-7520.
April 25, 7
Education for Justice lecture presented by Brenda Berkman, former NYC fire
captain, founder of the “United Women Firefighters” organization in New York City
and Director of Women First Responders of 9/11. Moskovitz Theater, DeNaples
Center. Free. Call 941-4392.
April 26, 7:30 p.m.
Judaic Studies Institute Lecture
“Israel: Dangers and Opportunities in the Days Ahead” by Bret Stephens, foreign
affairs columnist and deputy editor of The Wall Street Journal. Free. Pearn
Auditorium, Brennan Hall. Call
April 27, Time: TBA
for Justice Teach In “Finding Justice after 9/11.” Location TBA. Free. Call
April 27-29 & May 4-5, 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday; 2 p.m. Sunday
“A Year
with Frog and Toad” music by Robert Reale, book and lyrics by Willie Reale,
based on the books by Arnold Lobel, presented by The University of Scranton
Players. McDade Center for Literary and Performing Arts. Ticket prices vary.
Call 941-4318.
April 28, 7:30
Schemel Forum Springtime in
the Hudson Valley bus trip: visits to the Roosevelt Library at Hyde Park and
the Storm King Sculpture Park with lunch at the Culinary Institute of America.
Departs from Linden Circle. Pre-registration required. Fee: $70.00. Call
April 28-29, 9
a.m. Saturday and noon Sunday.
Friends of the Weinberg Memorial Library Annual Book and Plant Sale. Heritage
Room, Weinberg Memorial Library. Call 941-4078.
April 28, 7
Urban Beats Dance Show.
McIlhenny Ballroom, DeNaples Center. Free. Call 941-5441.
April 28, 7:30 p.m.
“29th Annual World Premiere Composition Series Concert”
featuring The University of Scranton Concert Band and Concert Choir with guest
composers/conductors Joseph Pilafian and Joseph Boga. Houlihan-McLean Center.
Free. Call 941-7624.
May 3, 7 p.m.
for Justice film “Arranged” Discussion following the film facilitated by Theology
Professor Christian Krokus, Ph.D. Pearn Auditorium of Brennan Hall. Free. Call
May 4, 3 p.m.
Festival of Nations. International students,
faculty and staff showcase cultures of dozens of countries through interactive
displays. Sponsored by the Office of Multicultural Affairs, United Colors
Organization and Residence Life. Free. Dionne Campus Green. Call 941-5904.
May 4, 6
Four Octaves A Capella Group
Spring Concert. Dionne Green Amphitheater. Free. Call 941-5441.
May 5, 11a.m.
Spring Fling/Battle of the Bands
sponsored by The University of Scranton Programming Board. Dionne Campus Green.
Free. Call 941-6233.
May 6, 3:00 p.m.
“In Concert” featuring The University of Scranton String Orchestra.
Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call 941-7624.
May 10-12, 8
New Director’s Workshop.
McDade Center for Literary and Performing Arts. Ticket prices vary. Call
May 11, 7:30 p.m.
“Pre-Commencement Concert” featuring The University of Scranton
Symphonic Band & Singers. Houlihan-McLean Center. Free. Call 941-7624.
May 26, 11 a.m.
Graduate Degree Commencement. Byron Complex. Call 941-7768.
May 27, noon.
Undergraduate Commencement. Wachovia Arena. Call 941-7768.
June 5, 5:30
Political Roundtable:
“Politics 2012: What’s in Store for November?” moderated by Elizabeth Randol.
Room 305, Weinberg Memorial Library. Pre-registration required. Free. Call
Schemel Forum Courses
Mondays Feb. 6 through March 12, 5:30 p.m.
Seminar Series: “I’m A Big Liar”: The Films of Federico Fellini”
presented by Joseph Rettura, cameraman and film editor with a master’s
certificate from New York University’s film school. Pearn Auditorium, Brennan
Hall. Pre-registration required. Fees vary. Call 941-7816.
Wednesdays February 8 through March 21, 6
Seminar Series: “Occupy the
Political Economy: The Financial Crisis and the American Future” presented by
David Friedrichs, professor of sociology and criminal justice and distinguished
university fellow, The University of Scranton. Room 305, Weinberg Memorial
Library. Pre-registration required. Fees vary. (Please note: there is no class
on March 14.) Call 941-7816.
Tuesdays March 20 through May 8, 6
Seminar Series: “Madness,
Mystery and Murderous Desire: Charles Dickens’ Bleak House” presented by Denise Fulbrook, Ph.D. adjunct faculty member,
The University of Scranton. Heritage Room, Weinberg Memorial Library.
Pre-registration required. Fees vary. (Please note: there are no classes April
3 and April 24, as these are reading weeks.) Call 941-7816.