Student Stories Feature Student Service
During The University of Scranton’s winter break, students provided health screenings to underserved children in Newark, worked alongside alumni doctors to provide medical treatment to people in Haiti, and helped at soup kitchens in Los Angeles. Stories written by University of Scranton student correspondents about each of these service trips were published by the Links to each of these stories follows.
nursing students traveled to Savannah, Ga., to work at St. Mary’s Community
Center, an organization that provides a multitude of educational, health and
children services to those in the city who are much in need.
Read full story.
Ten senior University
of Scranton nursing students spent nearly a week in Newark, N.J., providing
health screenings to nearly 500 children.
Read full story.
University medical
alumni and current pre-med undergraduates traveled to Haiti in a trip sponsored
by the Medical Alumni Council to provide medical attention and aid to the
people in the impoverished nation.
Read full story.
When some people think
of service, they may think of hands-on work like providing meals at soup
kitchens and homeless shelters. But as a group of University of Scranton
students learned, sometimes it can be as simple as listening and observing.
Read full story.
It has been more than two
weeks since sophomore Martha Triano returned to Scranton from Uganda, but no
amount of time will ever make her forget the welcoming and hopeful spirit she
witnessed in the Ugandan people.
Read full story.
Gang life.
Homelessness. Poverty. Senior criminal justice and forensic chemistry major
Philip Malley had heard of these topics before, but it was not until he saw the
issues himself that he truly understood them.
full story.