The University of Scranton Among Nation’s ‘Most Efficient’ Colleges
A new listing by U.S. News & World Report includes The University of Scranton among the nation’s “highly ranked universities” that operate “most efficiently.” Scranton is among just five “Regional Universities in the North,” and one of just 40 colleges in the nation, recognized by U.S. News in this new listing.
The list, published online Dec. 6, commends colleges “able to achieve the highest academic quality” while judiciously managing spending per student on “instruction, research, student services, and related educational expenditures.” Financial resources account for 10 percent of the score a school receives in U.S. News “Best Colleges” ranking.
According to U.S. News, universities “featured on this list are doing a good job in managing their financial resources relative to other schools that may have larger state funding, higher tuition, or larger endowments. Many of these schools are likely to be more affordable in terms of tuition relative to others in their ranking category, since almost all of them are public universities.”
Scranton is the only private school recognized in its category. The University and Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash., are the only two Jesuit institutions listed.
“Rei Solicitudo,” a commitment to careful stewardship of the resources entrusted to our care, is among the three themes of The University of Scranton’s 2010-2015 strategic plan.
U.S. News & World Report ranked The University of Scranton among the top 10 “Best Regional Universities in the North” for the past 19 years. In its 2013 rankings, U.S. News also included Scranton in a national listing of “stellar examples” of schools with “A Focus on Student Success,” and in an online listing of just 49 “up and coming” colleges in the nation.