Staff Senate President's Report

The purpose of the Staff Senate is to contribute to the success of the University. As the Senate enters it's tenth year, here are some of the recent ways in which the Senate has contributed toward it's purpose: the Christmas Luncheon, charitable community donations, monthly Staff Spirit awards, Communication Symposiums, roundtable meetings, assistance with the presidential search, input for campus smoking and dress policies, the ad hoc committee on donating leave time, the wellness participation time ad hoc committee, Meet and Greet Election luncheon, spring election, professional development events, Home Improvement BBQ, newsletter, website updates, University-wide committee representatives, and the End of the Year Celebration and Awards luncheon.
Thank you to all our senators, alternates, Ms. Patricia Tetreault, volunteers, and other supporters that have made it possible to accomplish all of these tasks. Also, thank you for accomplishing all of these tasks in a way that makes me very proud to work with each of you through-out the year. On every occasion in the past year, your work has exceeded my expectations. It is in your good work that the Staff Senate has a voice. Keep up the important work as we look forward to the great tasks we will accomplish next year.
Read the full newsletter, here: