HR Announces "For Your Benefit" Sessions

The Office of Human Resources
A series of Information Sessions on Benefits Topics
The Office of Human Resources is pleased to announce the continuation of the learning series, For Your Benefit, with three sessions geared toward resources,
Session 1: Sept. 21, 2017 2:30 p.m. TDC 405
Back by Popular Demand! Using your Tuition Benefit
The Tuition benefit is one of the most significant benefits of working at the University, yet many employees do not take advantage of it. This workshop, presented by BethAnn McCartney, Benefits Manager, and Jonathan Kirby, Assistant Director of Financial Aid, will provide an overview of the many ways eligible employees can take advantage of this benefit for themselves, and for their
Please RSVP by Sept. 20 at
Session 2: Oct. 24, 2017 2:30 p.m. TDC 405
How to be a Smart Dental Consumer
Insurance plans can feel complicated and overwhelming for consumers. Knowing where to look for helpful information and understanding the basics can make it all much simpler. This presentation will focus on navigating your Dental Benefits Summary, understanding general insurance terms, and discussing ways to maximize your plan to help save you money.
Please RSVP by Oct. 22 at
Session 3: Coming in December…
Back by Popular Demand!- A workshop for Staff and Faculty presented by CHEW Employee Wellness, Human Resources and the Staff Development Committee of the Staff Senate.
This workshop will be scheduled for early December with light refreshments provided. Workshop