Cyber Security is Our Shared Responsibility
October marks the 14th year of the National Cyber Security Awareness Month, a national program to help create awareness of the many ongoing threats we face whenever we are online.October marks the 14th year of the National Cyber Security Awareness Month, a national program to help create awareness of the many ongoing threats we face whenever we are online. The Division of Information Technology is bringing this initiative to our campus, as online security is an essential shared responsibility that concerns us all equally.
What is cyber security?
Cyber security focuses on protecting computers, networks, programs and data, from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction.
Over the next few weeks, we will be providing you with valuable information to help you protect yourself and the University from increasing threats.
Who manages cyber security at the University?
The Information Security Office serves as the University’s resource for guidance on information security compliance. The office oversees information security policies, procedures and standards that ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of University data and information. In addition to coordinating University response to security incidents and security policy violations, they take a proactive stance by promoting a safe computing environment through security awareness events and training, such as the annual SANS security awareness program, Data Privacy Day and National Cyber Security Awareness Month.
What services does the Information Security Office provide to departments?
In addition to providing technology solutions to protect the University’s information assets, they also offer security services such as consulting, auditing, contract review and policy interpretation to the campus community.
I have received a suspicious email, who should I send it to?
If you have received an email you think could be an attempt to steal your University credentials, please send it as an attachment to the Information Security Office at
If you clicked on the link and supplied your University credentials, please immediately change your University password by logging into the My.Scranton portal and selecting “Change PIN” at the bottom of the page.
How do I contact the Information Security Office?
For consultation or to report a security incident, you can reach the Information Security Office at 570-941-4226 or email
IT Forum: Cyber Security Jeopardy
Tuesday, October 17 from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Join us at the next IT Forum for Cyber Security Jeopardy!
This event will use polling software to provide us with an interactive session where we will review information on safekeeping passwords, avoiding phishing attempts and data classification.
* A light lunch
* Giveaways and prizes
* Earn 10 wellness points for IT Professional Development
Please register at