Info Sessions for Faculty/Staff

It’s time! Get the facts about a Long Term Care insurance offer
This 60 Minutes Could Change Your Life
Now is your chance to find out why so many people have become interested in Long Term Care insurance (70% more policies in force now than in 2000).
We are making it easy for you to see for yourself, with a focused educational meeting. Discover why we decided to make Long Term Care insurance available to benefit you and your family. We think you will be interested to get the facts about long term care because you matter, your assets matter, and your family matters.
5% Employee Discount for you and a discount for your immediate and extended family members
20% Discounts for couples who qualify for identical benefits
10% Discount for spouse/partner applying alone
Meetings TODAY and TOMORROW!!
- 10-11-17 @ TDC/room 405 @ 9:30, 11, 1 & 2:30
- 10-12-17 @ TDC/room 406 @ 9:30, 11, 1 & 2:30
Please stop by the DeNaples Center on Wednesday or Thursday to let us answer your questions about the Long Term Care insurance benefit!!