Introducing Royal Threads

Students and faculty alike are loving the new program “Royal Threads,” which was recently launched by the Center for Career Development and the Jane Kopas Women’s Center. Royal Threads is a clothing lending program that allows students to borrow professional clothing from a closet filled with both women's and men's attire for job fairs,
The collaboration came together when both students and faculty realized that students hesitated to attend the Career Expo because they didn't have professional or "interview worthy" clothing. Whether you have outgrown your favorite suit or forgot it in your closet at home, Royal Threads is a great source for interview prep! Once the item is returned, the program maintains the cleaning process. Students need not worry about having the clothes laundered before returning them. A few students took advantage of the outfits Royal Threads had to offer before the fall Career Expo in September. Luckily, it is an ongoing program available to students at any time, and our closet continues to grow! If you are interested in borrowing, stop by the Center for Career Development in Ciszek Hall!
If you are interested in donating, new or gently used items are being accepted at the following locations on campus:
- Center for Career Development (Ciszek Hall)
- Jane Kopas Women’s Center (205F DeNaples Center)
- Kania Center for Practical Learning (332 Brennan Hall)
- Residence Life Office (Condron Hall)
- Lobby of Brown Hall
For additional information, or if you have questions about Royal Threads head up to The Center for Career Development in Ciszek Hall!