2018 Staff Benefits Open Enrollment

The University of Scranton’s 2018 Open Enrollment Period will be held November 3rd through December 1st, 2017. The purpose of Open Enrollment is to allow plan participants to make changes to their health plan election (medical, prescription, dental, and vision). Changes during the Open Enrollment Period may include adding or deleting dependents from the plan, moving from one plan type to another or electing to opt in or out of the plan.
Information sessions have been scheduled to provide an overview of benefit offerings and to answer questions about benefits and coverage.
The full Open Enrollment Information Kit, including all requirednotifications is available on the Office of Human Resources website. Specifically, the packet contains the following information:
· 2018 Health Insurance Cost Sheet. If you do not wish to make a change to your health plan, you will automatically retain your present coverage. The 2018 payroll contribution rate is reflected on the 2018 Staff Health Insurance Cost Sheet.
· Medical Outline of Coverage for each of our three (3) medical plans. This year, coverage has been modified:
o to include Methadone, an Opioid Dependence treatment, and
o for Ostomy supplies, now covered under durable medical equipment, which will reduce participants’ out of pocket cost for these supplies.
· United Concordia Dental Schedule of Benefits
· Vision Schedule of Benefits
· Regulatory Compliance Notices. Women’s Health and Cancer Rights, Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), HIPPA Special Enrollment Notice, Patient Protection Disclosure Notice, and Notice of Privacy Practices
· Swift MD Information
· Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Enrollment Packet. In 2018, the University’s Flexible Spending Accounts will be administrated by Ameriflex. If you wish to elect a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) (medical or dependent daycare) for 2018, please complete the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) enrollment form and Direct Deposit form. As we are working with a new vendor, both the enrollment and direct deposit forms will be required, and enrollees will receive a new card. Once completed, return to the Office of Human Resources. As a reminder, FSA elections (medical and dependent daycare) do notrollover from year to year. The 2018 limit on employee salary reductions for contributions to health FSAs is $2,650.
· Term Life Insurance Information. If you do not wish to make a change to your voluntary Term Life Insurance plan, you will automatically retain your present coverage
Benefit choices made during the Open Enrollment Period for an employee or a dependent will take effect on January 1, 2018; provided the eligibility requirements are met, the participant is covered under the Plan, and all enrollment requirements are met.
Employees making a benefit election change must complete and sign an enrollment/change form for all vendors for the change to take effect on January 1, 2018. Forms may be obtainedon the Office of Human Resources website, in the enrollment forms tab of the Open Enrollment page, at the Office of Human Resources or at the Information Sessions.
All benefit enrollment/change forms must be returned to the Office of Human Resources by the close of the business day on Friday, December 1, 2017.
If you have any questions, please attend one of the Information Sessions or contact the Office of Human Resources at (570) 941-7767.
If you would like a hard copy of the Open Enrollment Information Kit, please contact the Office of Human Resources at (570) 941-7767.
Information sessions have been scheduled to provide an overview of benefit offerings and to answer questions about benefits and coverage.
The full Open Enrollment Information Kit, including all required
· 2018 Health Insurance Cost Sheet. If you do not wish to make a change to your health plan, you will automatically retain your present coverage. The 2018 payroll contribution rate is reflected on the 2018 Staff Health Insurance Cost Sheet.
· Medical Outline of Coverage for each of our three (3) medical plans. This year, coverage has been modified:
o to include Methadone, an Opioid Dependence treatment, and
o for Ostomy supplies, now covered under durable medical equipment, which will reduce participants’ out of pocket cost for these supplies.
· United Concordia Dental Schedule of Benefits
· Vision Schedule of Benefits
· Regulatory Compliance Notices. Women’s Health and Cancer Rights, Newborns’ and Mothers’ Health Protection Act, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), HIPPA Special Enrollment Notice, Patient Protection Disclosure Notice, and Notice of Privacy Practices
· Swift MD Information
· Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Enrollment Packet. In 2018, the University’s Flexible Spending Accounts will be administrated by Ameriflex. If you wish to elect a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) (medical or dependent daycare) for 2018, please complete the Flexible Spending Account (FSA) enrollment form and Direct Deposit form. As we are working with a new vendor, both the enrollment and direct deposit forms will be required, and enrollees will receive a new card. Once completed, return to the Office of Human Resources. As a reminder, FSA elections (medical and dependent daycare) do not
· Term Life Insurance Information. If you do not wish to make a change to your voluntary Term Life Insurance plan, you will automatically retain your present coverage
Benefit choices made during the Open Enrollment Period for an employee or a dependent will take effect on January 1, 2018; provided the eligibility requirements are met, the participant is covered under the Plan, and all enrollment requirements are met.
Employees making a benefit election change must complete and sign an enrollment/change form for all vendors for the change to take effect on January 1, 2018. Forms may be obtained
All benefit enrollment/change forms must be returned to the Office of Human Resources by the close of the business day on Friday, December 1, 2017.
If you have any questions, please attend one of the Information Sessions or contact the Office of Human Resources at (570) 941-7767.
If you would like a hard copy of the Open Enrollment Information Kit, please contact the Office of Human Resources at (570) 941-7767.