Daily Devotional by Sarah Jerome

saturday, DEC. 9 reflection
On this first Saturday of Advent, we are reminded that Christmas is just 4 weekends away. Our thoughts begin to race – have we bought all the presents we should; are all of the decorations out so everyone else knows of our Christmas cheer; did we buy all the food for our holiday feast? In the first reading, we are reminded of other things – Isaiah reminding us that God is graciously listening and answering our anxious minds; giving us the bread and water that sustain our bodies and all other things that sustain us in life.
It is in these reminders that allow us to re-center ourselves in preparation
-Sarah Jerome, Assistant Coach Women's Soccer
Lord, help us to remember the promises Isaiah gave to a people hungering and thirsting for renewed life. “He will be gracious to you when you cry out, as soon as He hears He will answer you. The Lord will give you the bread you need and the water for which you thirst.
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