An Intersession Course with Bruce Lanning
![An Intersession Course with Bruce Lanning](images/lanning.jpg)
We talked with Professor Bruce Lanning about teaching a course during intersession. Read the Q&A here.
What course(s) are you teaching over intersession? Can you tell us a little about it/them?
I taught Basic Drawing this intersession. It deals with developing basic observational and design skills through the exploration of a wide variety of subjects. Materials used are charcoals, pencils, inks as well as some collage elements.
What kind of challenges do you run into while teaching a course during a condensed time period? How do you resolve those challenges?
As with learning to play a musical instrument, it takes more practice than one semester holds let alone the short time of an intersession course. Fortunately, the three-hour class time allowed students to explore individual projects in-depth and the work produced was of good quality.
Do you have any advice for students who are interested in taking a course over intersession?
Don’t oversleep and don’t give up on a project too soon.
If you were not teaching a course during intersession, what would you be doing with your break?
I would like to say vacationing in the Bahamas but would probably be painting with oils out in snowy PA!