Did you know The University of Scranton offers a special bus service run by Colts Bus for University of Scranton students? This free service is called the Saturday Night Special (Route 73). This shuttle bus will take you to Courthouse Square, the Marketplace at Steamtown, Viewmont Mall, Walmart, Target, IMAX Movie Theater and Kohls. This shuttle operates Saturdays from 5 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. during the fall and spring semesters and it's FREE of charge to any student with a valid Royal Card. It is easy to access the shuttle. It starts at 5 p.m. near Montrone (Mulberry St/Hitchcock Ct.) and runs continuously on a fixed route, with the last drop off at Montrone at 1 a.m. For more information visit: scranton.edu/transportation. Or visit the COLTS website at: coltsbus.com and look for the Saturday Night Special Route 73 schedule and map.
Have fun,
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