Take Back the Night Planning Meetings
Take Back The Night is an international event which strives to raise awareness of and end sexual and interpersonal violence. The night consists of three distinct events: a pre-rally, march, and speak out. The pre-rally is the informational portion of Take Back The night, where resource table displays from campus and community departments, organizations, and agencies provide information and education. The community rallies together through a march in an effort to end interpersonal violence. Take Back The Night ends with a speak-out, a space for those who have experienced interpersonal violence and allies to gather and share their experiences in solidarity.
The Jane Kopas Women's Center invites and encourages all members of the community to attend Take Back The Night, which is on Thursday, April 26, 2018. Thank you, in advance, for your support.
University of Scranton community members are welcome to attend Take Back The Night planning meetings in preparation for the event; the first of which is on Wednesday, February 21 at 7:45 p.m. in The DeNaples Center 405.
For more information about Take Back The Night or potential involvement, please contact Maria Marinucci, Interim Director of the Cross Cultural Centers, or Megan Barr, Student Coordinator of Take Back the Night, at jkwc@scranton.edu.
The Jane Kopas Women's Center invites and encourages all members of the community to attend Take Back The Night, which is on Thursday, April 26, 2018. Thank you, in advance, for your support.
University of Scranton community members are welcome to attend Take Back The Night planning meetings in preparation for the event; the first of which is on Wednesday, February 21 at 7:45 p.m. in The DeNaples Center 405.
For more information about Take Back The Night or potential involvement, please contact Maria Marinucci, Interim Director of the Cross Cultural Centers, or Megan Barr, Student Coordinator of Take Back the Night, at jkwc@scranton.edu.